CCW legality question


New member
If you had a holster on your belt that had a top flap covering the grip on your pistol so that no part of the gun was visible, would this be an acceptable manner of carry in most states? You could wear your holster even if you were not carrying a gun at the time and no one would know the difference. I just get so tired of trying to come up with ways to carry so that there is no possibilty of anyone noticing a bulge or print through clothing. Carrying a gun should not make you feel like a smuggler. Please do not misunderstand, I am not interested in flashing my gun so that I can impress anyone. I have had a ccw in Indiana for 8 years and have never had a problem. I also think that if more people saw holsters everyday, they would be less paranoid about guns. What do you think?


New member
I think if ya gots a holster on your belt that's obviously a holster, that's open carry, whether we see your gun itself or not.

Now, that's not necessarily a BAD tihng mind you, and it is indeed permissable in many states (dunno about Indiana)... but it ain't what your CCW is for.

Since you've been carrying about four times as long as I have, I won't presume to offer any advuice on hows and wherefores -- ya likely know more than me on that count... especially the part about "most people wouldn't notice if ya had a freakin' sign on your back saying GUN HERE"


Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I think in most case's the display of a holster on one's
belt would indicate to most people that you are armed,
and that you intend to stand and fight; regardless of the out
come.:eek: In my way of thinking, this would be a very bad
experience; cuz it show's signs of a person who is cocky, and
look'in for a fight.:( I would not recommend doing such a
thing; as I would seek other means of carrying concealed.:D
And as a final thought, in a real honest to goodness gun fight
I would want the element of suprise on my side.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member