CCW in gun shop


New member
I have only seen one store in our area that had a sign saying "no concealed weapons"...and it is a local gun shop. Said something like "sorry folks, for insurance reasons". It is a well known shop; lot of hunters go there; they have a range, etc. I have not seen the sign at any of the other gun shops we go to. Struck me as odd. Has anyone else heard of the "insurance" reason? Is it common for gun shops to refuse CCW?
Since I got my license there.....

I would think something was wrong if they said they wouldn't honor it :eek: ! I have not seen a single gun shop here in South East Texas with a sign like that :p .


New member
I have seen gun shops with "no loaded firearms" signs. But as concealed means concealed, who's to know you violated their loaded gun rule? Same with gunshows. Most display signs prohibiting carrying loaded guns, even with a CCW.


New member
I've checked with a couple of the local stores with the "no loaded firearms" signs, and they've assured me that they aren't talking about lawfully concealed weapons.

It seems like it would be suicide for that store that Charley originally posted about. I know I'd tell them that I'd be taking my business elsewhere. "Insurance reasons," my eye! Then why does no other shop have such a sign up?


New member
Well. I do see generic signs often. However, they do not comply with the legally required posting for the state of florida. So, legally, their notice is irrelevent. Your states may allow a generic sign thou.

Also, if it is properly concealed, they shouldn't ever know about it. IMHO.

But, be careful if you are in a gun/pawn shop and you are carrying. At least here, it seems the people who work in those places are over-reactive. [ not that i blame them! ]

For example, I personally seen a guy go in, and ask about holsters. Without thinking, he proceeded to pull out his firearm "just to test the fit" the holster. Of course, he didn't tell the salesman he was going to do that that, and when the salesman saw him "pulling a gun" from his pants.. he ducked and drew his own gun.

Yeesh. I quietly walked out of there.


New member
k dawg what is the legally required posting in florida? i never heard of a specific sign type in fla. to comply, only texas.


Don't give them your business. Let them know they can stuff it. My fav local gunshop has a sign that says something like you can carry CCW as long as you comply with the CCW law (keep it concealed), but that if the gun is or is ever going to be exposed in the store, then it must be carried in unloaded and checked at the front. Makes sense to me. Insurance my azz.


New member
i have at times gone to a gun shop with a sign "no loaded firearms". its probably to cover their butts. i believe i have been "made" while carrying in that gun shop. the guy behind the counter who made me just looked away from my pocket. i don't think they REALLY care. :rolleyes:


New member
what is the legally required posting in florida?
Signs have no legal standing in Florida. If someone catches you carrying on their property, with or without a sign, they can require you to leave or get busted for tresspassing. That's it.


New member

They must have some interesting insurance if that is the reason they post NO Carry sign......... I would let the manager know that I and those whom feel as I did on this will be glad to go to another store to spend my hard earned dollar. I think they need to find an other insurance company. Seems real strange they are in this pickle....I have a feeling the whole story isn't getting out.
When I first got my CPL/CCW I asked a bank worker if I could speak to the manager of this branch. I was walked to her office and sat down. I asked her what this credit unions policy was on customer's carry on concealed firearms. She looked like her tail was shut in the door... almost couldn't respond. I restated the question an told her not to worry that today I wasn't armed in her presence. She said she didn't know....but said she would ask the president of this financial institute what the answer was and get back with me. Well, as you could figure I never got a call from him. After 4 days I went ahead and called him. I could tell he didnt want to answer me or even speak to me. His rude answer was NO WAY...are you kidding he said. So I asked him what his requirment for off duty police officers. He said I would give them the same answer as I did you. I told him thanks and hung up. If you know me you know that his ability to react with this john q citizen set as well with me as the French support of the Iraq conflict. My next call was to the Michigan State Police. The email from the officer in Lansing stated unless the front door had a sign posted no firearms he said there is no state law against a citizen with a CPL/CCW to carry in a financial institution...

Just thought I would pass this along..... :D