ccw gun for hog?


New member
Stupid question..what is ccw?

don't know what ccw is?

but, i've use a rifled barrell 12 gauge with sabot slugs that push 2000 ft per second...and that left a 1/2 dollar size hole going in, 1/2 size hole going out....running over 30 yds with a lung shot was a great feat!....

i miss hunting in texas!...but now in Alaska and it's great...but hogs are the best sport ever, specially with dogs!

here in ak, they can hunt black bear with dogs but just don't do it!....crazy...

well, hope to hear what ccw is...



New member
"ccw" in many states is short for Concealed Carry Weapon. Here in Tejas, it's called CHL - Concealed Handgun License.

A few years back, I used hog hunting as an excuse to buy a Glock 29 (compact 10mm), which was to me anyway, the best "compromise". Altho I never got the opportunity, several guys over at have used the 10mms and heavy cast bullets for full penetration on some small to mid-weight hogs. .357's (with decent barrel length) have similar capability with 180 grain cast bullets.


New member
Quote: "Ok, what state makes you conceal carry your hog weapon now? I better quit using my 7.5" Super Blackhawk."

Coincidently, there is a "loop hole" or two in Texas law and hunting regs that I do use sometimes to carry my 7 1/2" SBH concealed. CHL holders are allowed to carry (concealed) during archery deer season. (2" snub usually goes then.)

But, at Lake Ray Roberts hunting area, it's "archery only" for hog from now until August 31. But they are also under TP&W management - who years ago made it clear that CHL holders can carry on their public lands.

Glock 29 - until I sold it - was much, much easier to pack than the SRH. I've got a Bianchi HUSH holster for the SRH. It's designed primarily for across-the-chest carry, but I've got it extended to where it's tolerable in the bush just below belt line on left side. Concealed of course. :D

roy reali

New member

Maybe if the hogs don't see your gun you could sneak closer to them. It is a way to trick them. The hunter should also wear a three piece suit. That would really baffle the animals. Pigs are suppose to be smart creatures.:D


New member
Thanks for explaining ccw greybeard. There are a few feral hogs around here and I mostly carry a .357 snubbie, with moderate velocity 158 gr lswc's, concealed when I'm out and about. I figure if I get within a few yards of them, or they within a few yards of me, I'll give it a try. I'd like to hear of other peoples experiences, maybe base a future gun purchase or load on the input.
If possible I'd go get a more legitimit weapon and come back.


New member
Quote: "a few feral hogs around here and I mostly carry a .357 snubbie"

Those tend to go best with a good pair of tree-climbing boots. :D


Maybe if the hogs don't see your gun you could sneak closer to them. It is a way to trick them. The hunter should also wear a three piece suit. That would really baffle the animals. Pigs are suppose to be smart creatures

:D :D

I have a .45 colt Taurus which I would carry if walking-hunting in thick stuff, as a backup to the rifle. Hunting from a blind or stand, I see no need.

treg, when you are out walking round amongst the pigs, are you hunting them, hunting something else, or not hunting at all?


New member
Be Careful Graybeard!!!

Be careful Graybeard, what you think of as a loophole may get you in trouble. You may carry a gun concealed during archery season, but if you use it to kill anything, including hogs, while you are bowhunting, then you can be fined.

Also, although Ray Roberts WMA is LEASED to TPWD, it is still federal land under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers. As such, carrying a concealed handgun on the property is illegal. Federal regulation trump state regulations!

I am an employee of TPWD and I can attest to the above.
