CCW carrier thwarts bank heist!


New member
they left the best part out ...

My wife heard this sty on the radio yesterday ... she says the kicker is that Fawzi was in the next line over and when the teller told him a robbery was in progress he pulled his gun and told the robber, "You're not robbing this bank today." When the guy protested that he had a bomb, Fawzi said, "I don't care. You're not robbing this bank." The would-be Jesse James, who of course didn't have a bomb or even a firecracker, surrendered and will probably be spending the rest of his life as a guest of the state of Michigan ... Not sure what you think of Fawzi's actions, tho he certainly saved the day and the odds of anybody actually having a bomb are pretty slim ... any lessons learned?

CANTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. - Western Wayne County authorities say a gun-toting Comerica Bank customer foiled an attempted robbery.

Fifty-three-year-old Joseph Webster of Washtenaw County was arraigned Tuesday in 35th District Court on bank robbery, armed robbery and habitual offender charges, which can bring up to life imprisonment.

Canton Township police tell WXYZ-TV and The Ann Arbor News Webster pretended to have a bomb Monday and demanded a teller give him money. A co-worker alerted Nabil Fawzi, who has a concealed-weapon permit. Fawzi held Webster at gunpoint until police arrived.

He's jailed on a $100,000 cash bond pending a June 27 preliminary examination.
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New member
Foiled again!

My wife heard this sty on the radio yesterday ... she says the kicker is that Fawzi was in the next line over and when the teller told him a robbery was in progress he pulled his gun and told the robber, "You're not robbing this bank today." When the guy protested that he had a bomb, Fawzi said, "I don't care. You're not robbing this bank." The would-be Jesse James, who of course didn't have a bomb or even a firecracker, surrendered and will probably be spending the rest of his life as a guest of the state of Michigan ... Not sure what you think of Fawzi's actions, tho he certainly saved the day and the odds of anybody actually having a bomb are pretty slim ... any lessons learned?

CANTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. - Western Wayne County authorities say a gun-toting Comerica Bank customer foiled an attempted robbery.

Fifty-three-year-old Joseph Webster of Washtenaw County was arraigned Tuesday in 35th District Court on bank robbery, armed robbery and habitual offender charges, which can bring up to life imprisonment.

Canton Township police tell WXYZ-TV and The Ann Arbor News Webster pretended to have a bomb Monday and demanded a teller give him money. A co-worker alerted Nabil Fawzi, who has a concealed-weapon permit. Fawzi held Webster at gunpoint until police arrived.

He's jailed on a $100,000 cash bond pending a June 27 preliminary examination.
A 9mm may expand, but a .45 will NEVER shrink.

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard." H.L. Mencken


...And now every criminal in the state of Michigan knows to steal that guy's briefcase.
Or shoot first and ask questions later.

I don't really disapprove of what he did, but if it was me I sure as shootin' wouldn't let my face be plastered all over the various media outlets if I could avoid it.


It is sort of ironic that a Lebanese Arab that had fled his native homeland to come to the United States to escape the violence that has wrecked that country, would then encounter violence here too. But I wonder if having lived and survived in the climate that exists in Lebanon perhaps made him all the more determined to protect himself here??

It was interesting to note that he carried his pistol without a round in the chamber, and had to rack the slide in order to load the gun. I still cannot understand why people carry like this.

If the man had had a real bomb, instead of an imaginary one, I wonder how things might have turned out? Or even if the man had just had a gun himself? Would he have drawn on an obviously armed man??

The robber may have been such an amateur, that his threat of a bomb did not seem credible. However, with his previous felony convictions for sex crimes and robbery, one also wonders why he was free out walking the streets??



New member
It would be nice to think that this would illustrate to the Ann Arbor intelligentsia (and it is the rare and special Ann Arborite who does not consider themselves to be a member:D) that concealed carry is a net positive. I fear that, quite to the contrary, the locals' concern might well fall on the robber, who is clearly a victim of a system that underspends on public mental health care.:rolleyes:

Some here will say that he should have let the guy go about his business and leave. That is a fair position. However, in this case a good man with a gun and a confident mindset made a judgment call, and it turned out to be the right one.


Anybody know of anyway to trigger a bomb without a hand held trigger?

I suspect the guy knew enough about bombs to know that he had to hit a detonator with his hands, and, that he was in a position to short circuit the bad guy, should he try and get a hand on the trigger.

Well Done!


New member
Maybe the criminals need to watch their backs now.

Some of them do, watch out for the "tail gunner".
They may have a buddy in line who is on the lookout for cops or would be heroes.


New member
In case anyone wants to read it, here is the thread that went over this story. The usual Pro/Anti arguments there.

Within seconds, Fawzi drew his handgun, racked a round in the chamber and told the man that he wasn't robbing the bank.
"But I have a bomb," the robber told Fawzi.

It's at that point that you shoot him in the head. That's what the Israelis do.


New member
My only question is..... What bank have you been to that did not have the NO HANDGUN sign? Every bank I go to has one.


What bank have you been to that did not have the NO HANDGUN sign? Every bank I go to has one.

No banks here in Oregon have such signs, as far as I know. I've been to several, and never seen one.



New member
Once again they make a claim that guy is special because he is ex military. I really hate it when they do that since it takes all the wind out of the message. I guess that means he is more trusted with having a CCW than the people who have no military experience. :barf: