Ccw .357sig ?


New member
I'm looking for a compact / sub-compact .357SIG pistol for eventual use as a concealed carry piece. Concealability and capacity matter more than weight or price. Any and all suggestions cheerfully accepted, thanks.

I've got a Kel-Tec P32 on order too. After all the great reviews I've seen on TFL, I knew I had to have a mousegun of my own :D



New member
SIG 239? A larger SIG may also be fine for you. For a 1911 Commander sized gun, the SIGPro 2357 has always shot well for me.


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H&K has a USP in a compact model chambered for .357 SIG. I know at least one guy who uses that as his carry gun.


New member

Really??? I went to HKs web site and it shows 9mm, .40, and .45, but not .357 SIG. Can you point me to a web site that shows it in .357 SIG?


I'll second the Sig P239, provided you like DA/SA. You do realize, I assume that .357 SIG has major muzzle blast and flash.



New member
I'd go for the GLOCK 33. The SIG P239 may be SIG's smallest 357, but it is not much smaller than a compact GLOCK (19, 23, 32). The G33 is a lot smaller and it holds more rounds. I carry mine in a Galco ankle holster and it disappears.


Both the glock 33 and sig 239 are nice. I switched my off duty gun from the sig to the glock because I like the design of the trigger better and the extra ammo. The sig is more accurate and flatter. Try them both out and take your pick.


New member
I had a Glock 33, and I liked it a heckuva lot. I shot it a heckuva lot, too.

For me, though, it was difficult for IWB concealment, cos it was so darn chunky. It's small, but it's fat! Because the gun was so small in length and height, it looked like a tumor. Or a colostomy bag. I actually think the slightly larger Glock 32 would have concealed better!

Worked good, though.

I'd be tempted to go with the 239 next time, but who knows? I like the Glock's extra capacity and its non-DA/SA trigger a lot. I also think they recover from recoil better (plastic frame gives?). I think the 239 might be easier to conceal (for me) because it's flatter, but it ain't that small.

One thing about the Glocks, though, is that polygonal "rifling" gives them more velocity in a given barrel length. If you check around, you'll see that anyone who's tested Sig v. Glock shows the Glocks are faster with any given load out of the same bbl length. Since you're talking pretty puny barrels in the miniguns, you might want the polygonal rifling to get the advantage of the .357 Sig's speed. W/O the velocity, the .357 Sig is just an overpriced 9x19 with lower capacity and a lot more muzzle blast.

With the advantage of its velocity, however, it's a great round (that always feeds!).


New member
A lot of what will determine concealability is you - body size and shape, hand size, etc. I had a G33, but even with a grip extender it was too dang short and I never carried it. I'd really like to get a SIG 239, but the grip is also way too short and small in circumference for me. For me, a G32 is a good compromise, tho grip is also a little off. I've carried my SIG 229 some, since I like the ergonomics so much, but it's bordering on too big. My SIG 226 fits my hand the best, but is too big most of the time.

I've got no beef with Berettas or HK's (tho no way will the Beretta match a SIG or Glock for accuracy in my experience with owning a Cougar in .45), but I've discovered that there's something to be said for carrying what everyone else does - available accessories, $$ and availability of full-cap mags, etc. Any .357 HK's you find will be leftovers, as it's not made anymore as far as I can tell.

juliet charley

New member
I like the Sig P239. It rides well in an IWB (Alessi Talon). The DA/SA doesn't really bother me--particularly with the 239. It is accurate and easier to shoot and the ergonomics beat the devil out of any Glock sub-compact (26/27/33)--at least for me.

I think the biggest advantage the Sig has over any Glock is that it does not need a holster to make it safe to carry. Most of the time, I do not wear a holster around the house but keep a weapon handy. If I answer the door, walk to the mailbox, take the trash out, pick-up the paper (or even run up the corner store), I can slip the 239 into my waistband or a pocket (depending on what I'm wearing) without having to mess with holster (or leaving it behind which happens with Glocks).

Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating carrying without a holster on routine basis, but from a convenience (and safety) stand point, it sure is nice to have to wear holster all the time to be safe. The usefulness of a weapon that requires a holster to be carried safely is at best limited.


New member
I carry a Glock 32. It's the perfect size to conceal and control the .357 sig round. It fits my hand like a glove.