CCI Primers


New member
I have always stuck with Remington primers but being on a tight budget these days I have decided to try CCI primers. Is your experience with these primers favorable.

They are priced very well around here.



New member
I use a Lee priming tool. They recommend the use of CCI and Winchester primers in their equipment to prevent accidental discharge. I have never had a problem with CCI primers nor with the Winchesters. I tend to use CCI in small pistol and Winchester in Large Pistol and Large Rifle. No particular reason. Just habit.


New member
I've used CCI primers for about twenty years, never had any problems. Around here most dealers carry CCI and Winchester. My loads have never been picky about which one to use. I use both interchangably depending on who has what in stock and which is cheaper.


New member
Thanks all,

I've fired about 300 rounds with the CCIs and working great. Accuracy about the same with either Rem or CCI so it looks like it is CCI for me from here on out as they are typically a couple of bucks cheaper were I get primers.


New member
Orso, I've used CCI priming in small and large rifle and pistol without a fault for better than 15 years! I use Federal Match LR
in quite a few rifles now but I would be hard pressed to show you any statistics proving I was spending my money in a wise manner. I also have a few used purchases that also came with a recipefrom a trusted friend that need a Remington 9 1/2 etc.
Worked up a load for my nephew several years back when Fed 210Ms and Nosler 140 gr BTs were in short supply. Every time we reload for his deer rifle it is the same CCI 200 primer, the same 150 gr boat tail bullet and the same IMR 4350.
I have NO problem with CCI primers.


I 100% prefer CCI to Winchester. I've had a bunch of failures with the new style Winchester, in Large Pistol. I never have any failures with CCI.

[This message has been edited by WalterGAII (edited November 08, 1999).]


New member
I've used CCI- BR#2 primers in all of my reloading for my varmint rifles. Never had one problem with them. They work very well and you should have no problem with any of there primers.

Long Path

New member
I've had no problem hand-priming with CCI, but don't run 'em through a Dillon RL550. They don't feed so dependably, for some reason, according to Dillon. I tried them this weekend, and, of course, I have a major jam in the primer tube to clean up. Of course, this proves little-- it's anectdotal, and the primers were (no kidding) made in the '70s or earlier! :)

Jack Straw

New member
Long Path,

You say that Dillon advises against using CCI primers in the 550; is that in the manual somewhere (in which case I missed it) or did you talk to someone out there after experiencing some sort of primer feeding problem? I don't know how many thousands of CCIs I've ran through my 550 with no problem. Are they saying I should expect a problem or just that if I do have a problem, the solution might be to change brands? Just curious....



New member
I have S&W M 60 that had an action job by Clark. I have had several misfires using CCI primers. I had cleaned the primer pockets and use an RCBS priming tool. The gun hasn't misfired with factory rounds, although I haven't fired nearly as many as handloads. I have changed to Federal primers, and although the jury will be out until I have fired several hundred rounds, in about 150 rounds I haven't had a misfire. Through about 40 years of reloading I have not had problems with primers of any brand. If my memory serves me the 3 or 4 misfires (until recently) I have had have been with CCI primers. Win has always been my favorite, but from what I have read on the web, when my current supply gets low I plan to go to Federal. Jerry


New member
Had a "problem" with CCI primers not fireing in 38Spcl handloads, small pistol size. Same worked fine in semi-automatics. CCI large pistol, which I used now and then, in a government model 45ACP never gave problems. I believe that CCI primer cups may have been somewhat harder than Winchester, therefore the problem with 38 caliber revolvers, especially when fired double action.

I normally use Winchester primers for both rifle and pistol.


New member
I used to buy nothing but CCI's, because that's what my local dealer stocked. Never really had any problems with them until I bought my first Dillon 450 press to load 45ACP. The CCI's caused so many primer feed jams that I switched to Winchesters. I started buying them by the case(5000), and haven't had any reason to try other brands in over 100,000 rounds loaded on just my Dillon presses. Now I see the Winchester primers come in a blue box, and aren't nickle-plated anymore. I've also heard horror stories about problems with the new style primers, but haven't had to buy any yet. I can hardly wait to find out if there's really a problem or not.


New member
One of the most common causes of misfires from reloaded ammo is that the primer is not seated in the pocket far enough. When the firing pin hits the primer cup the energy from the firing pin is directed to pushing the primer into the pocket to it's "proper" position. The pin's energy is used up doing this and the pin will not "dent" the primer enough to ignite it. This is why it will sometimes go off if a second attempt to fire it is tried.

Reloaders (myself included, as I have had this happen several times with all makes of primers and primer tools) must pay attention to this aspect of reloading.

Nestor Rivera

New member
for all you SKS/Mas 49/56 etc.. shooters out there I would recommend the CCI No34 primer (for 7.62 rifles) it is harder and will take that accidental primer strik form your uncaptured fireing pin better ;)


New member
i have been using cci primers for years with no problem until i started using them in a s&w 13 with a trigger job and a very slightly misaligned hammer and well. fixed the hammer problem, but in double action only the hammer did not fall quite hard enough on some rounds (about 1 in 50). using fed primers for this one gun now as they are softer, and no problems.


New member
I've seen several posts on this topic where double action revolvers have failed to set off primers after having trigger work done. I've had the same problem after backing the spring screw off a little on my S&W revolvers to lighten the double action stroke. Putting a little more tension on the spring by turning the screw into the grip frame solved the problem.


New member
CCI primers tend to be tougher than most. I have had problems with misfires with a S&W model 19 that has an action job and a slightly lighter than factory trigger. I have had no misfires with this gun using factory loads, or Winchester and Federal primers in reloads. Using CCI primers I have had no misfires with factory action revolvers of any brand.