CC in a Suit


New member
I've seen lots of discussions regarding various CC holsters, carry locations, etc. But I haven't seen one discuss this particular topic. Sorry if there is one and I missed it.

How does one go about CC when one's day job involves a suit and tie? The jacket comes off as soon as I'm in the office door. Talking about either a Sig P232 or P239 (.40). Please don't suggest other guns. Those are what I have that are small enough to carry and probably won't be able to add to the arsenal any time soon.

I'm just trying to figure out how it's possible. I'm 5'8"-5'9", 175# and trying to drop back down to 160-165#. Smallish hands, the P232 is a perfect fit.

All help will be appreciated.


Blackwater OPS

New member
A simple IWB should work fine, Galco makes some great products, if you need to keep it consealed after removing the jacket, go for the Skyops.


New member
Use a well made tuckable holster design. Look at the rigs or at (poor man's tucker). You can also check out and I believe the Milt Sparks VersaMax is also a tuckable.

Things to remember:

Blouse your shirt slightly. Tuckable does not mean tight! Leave the shirt tucked in but with a slight amount of extra bloused out around the waist. This will help hide any bulges and hooks.

Use camoflague. Not realtree but more in keeping with your surroundings. A black belt holster for a cell phone and a black nylon leatherman pouch will make the belt hooks on most IWB tuckables dissappear if alighned properly.

Avoid white shirts! They are easy to see through. If possible go with blues and other trendy colors. Luckily men's fashions today let you get away without a white shirt in almost all circumstances.

Worst case, when you MUST have a white shirt go all out on the suite with a three piece. The vest will add formality and conceal any possible shadow/show through from the gun.

FYI I am 5'5", 170# and conceal a 5" 1911 like this all the time.


New member
Good suggestions so far,

but note my handle. The white shirt is almost a given in this occupation. And cell phones, pagers, leatherman etc on the belt are out. For that matter, so is the belt most of the time - suspenders. I'm thinking an ankle holster might be best, but not sure if I'd be able to keep if from showing.


New member
How about a bellyband? Not the fastest, or most comfortable,but acceptable over time. I carried a PPK,and a mod 42 like this often on assignments where being obviously armed would have had dire consequences.


New member
Some other options might be the Krame Confidant undershirt.

You may also look at Thunderwear or SmartCarry. When I have to absolutely wear a suit and know the jacket will come off, it's one of those two options.

If it works for my Commander or 3" K-frame magnums, it would definitely work for your Sigs. It is not the fastest means to get to your weapon though.


New member
Sitting at a desk with "thunderwear" might not be as comfortable as desired. Another option might be the "Day Planner" concealment. Just don't open it unless you need your weapon.


New member
The last line of concealment I will use is a

I will use it with either a PPK/S or a S&W mdl 60. I would most certainly go for this before an ankle rig as the ankle rig may take a day and a half to reach and the SMartCarry can be presented in under 2 seconds, even while seated, with practice.


Whatever happened to the three piece suit, the one with the vest?

Try to find a nice looking three piece and then have it tailored for the gun.

Other than that, ankle would work.



New member
Don't let anyone fool ya. I'm in the same boat with a white collar carry, unless your in Law Enforcement,you may need to go purely ankle or pocket carry. I'm looking into a Densantis pocket holster with a Kel Tec P32 or P3AT .380.

I don't trust myself with an ankle holster because I figit and cross my legs a lot when I sit for too long. 10 years ago I could duck down or throw my leg up with no problem, but today I'm a little too old and out of shape to draw from an ankle holster quickly. Also with ankle carry you may see the outline of a larger CW if you wear finer dress pant and suit material. You may want to take your weapon, unloaded of course, and stuff it in your sock while wearing your favorite suit pants see if you can see the outline of it.

In the business world today getting caught with a CW at the wrong time could mean a pink slip. Protect yourself both ways by going low profile with a light pocket gun. There is no way you can 100% safe with a full size weapon regardless of the rig or the way you carry unless you NEVER take off the suitjacket.

Good Luck


New member
I spent years in the same situation. Always wore suits and jackets came off while inside. My solution was a pocket holster (mine came from Rybka). It held my PPK and later my P11 was hidden in a home made holster. I don't like ankle rigs. While sitting your pants will ride up exposing the whole set up. The alternatives are a belly band or smart carry, both of which I use occasionally. Actually I think Brooks Brothers pants are MADE for pocket holsters. At least mine have been:D