CBS ALREADY at it again.


New member
My wife had CBS News on, (which I refuse to watch), and they had three "interesting" spots.

1. All about how people are buying "assault" chemicals at gun shows. These evil chemicals CAN be used to make explosives that COULD be used to blow up a car. They offered no examples of somebodys car being blown up, or anybody misusing them.

2. Tomorrow, they'll have a nice story on "the gun show loophole".

3. For America's Veteran's Day, they had a nice little story about.........some BRITISH pilot.

The election is over, they lost, and the assault on America in general, and gun owner's in particular continues.


New member
oh come on! any idiot who watched 'fight club' now knows how to make a bomb out of orange juice and household products!

BAN Orange Juice NOW!

edit, and any yahoo that watched 'heat' knows that with a drivers license you can get demolitions in california nevada and arizona. duhhh!


New member

Just hearing the name "Dan Rather" gives me dry heaves..:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
I haven't played with it, but I noticed that waterless hand sanitizer gel is mostly ethanol, like 62%. Hmm, gelled ethanol, I love the smell of napalm in the morning.... :)


New member
I have some flour in the kitchen, don't make me pour it in front of a fan and cause one of them dust explosions! They blow up silos all the time ya' know:D



New member
people are buying "assault" chemicals at gun shows. These evil chemicals CAN be used to make explosives that COULD be used to blow up a car.

Assault chemicals? ... they're called Reloading Supplies


New member
If you go to a DIY store, in the chaulk/adhesive section, they will have adhesive remover in packages and tubes. These are essentially thickened solvents such as toluene which is not as volatile as ethanol but still quite flammable and burns a bit longer. When I worked for a construction adhesive manufacturer, we had our own version. Our product line was called Liquid Nails. I called the adhesive remover Liquid Napalm.

Couldn't propane tanks be classified as bombs?

Navy joe

New member
CBS should should go to a Wal-Mart sporting goods section. Marine shotgun flares, propane, white gas, shotgun shells, etc.


New member
Uh, what about ammonium nitrate fertilizer? You know, the kind that comes in plastic tubes, with an indentation so you can insert a blasting cap? Ban farm supplies now for the children!

Country Boy

New member
Yup, non-dairy creamer is flammable. What do those restaurants think they are doing, supplying terrorists with all those little packets of non-dairy death!!!
I'm embarassed to relate this, but my brother has lit several "fuel-air bombs". They definitely pack a punch, depending on lunch of course.


New member
I caught part of their story tonight, and they described how easy it would be for a terrorist to assemble a machine gun from parts and/or how to books bought at the same gun show in Colorado that the guns used in Columbine were purchased from. They included one moron who bought a complete M-16 conversion for his AR thinking it was legal, the feds disagreed.

:barf: just doesn't come close.

Jay Baker

New member
CBS = Communist Broadcasting System

Dan Blatheriski and his mentor, Walter Kronkitovitch, both Mega Millionaire Marxisats, vomit their Marxist Socialist propaganda and disinformation, constantly. Expect nothing else from CBS, and you won't be disappointed.
