Caught in an "OOPS"


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The other day at the supermarket, I was carrying my everyday sidearm well concealed under a big sweater. I ran into a 4th grade student of mine who was there with her mom. Without warning, she barreled into me with open arms; "Mr. G!!" of course, those little elbows went right around my waist. She got an "I know what that is" look on her face and asked; "My daddy's a policeman, are you one too?" I just grinned and said something like; "Where would I find time to do two jobs after dealing with little maniacs like you all day?" Don't worry, your dad knows I have it, and it's for good reasons, like your dad's".
Now I preach truth & honesty all day, but I was caught in an "oops". Not sure exactly what to do, but knowing for sure her what she'd be saying to mom in 2.5 seconds, I called mom over and showed her my permit, along with a VERY brief explanation, noting that I'd like it not to get around the classroom. Mom smiled, and gave a nod. I was worried for a week that she'd blab to schoolmates, but I think her parents (I see dad at the range, he is a cop) used a bit of diplomacy at home.
Anyone else been caught in an "oops"?


New member
Yeah. A few years ago, shortly after my divorce, I was broke and had to move into an apartment with two female roommates. It seems they wanted a male around for security reasons, and shortly after I moved in, they discovered that I carry. They were cool with it.

I used to carry in a fanny pack, especially when in the theme parks. In the theme parks (before 9/11 and the now ever present bag inspections) they camouflaged me well, because many tourists carry them. Well, the room mates and I were at Busch Gardens in Tampa with some friends, when one of the friends (a female) asked one of my roommates why I carry that "stupid looking fanny pack" around. So, the roommate told her.

The woman freaked. The conversation goes like this:

freaked out friend yells: "You have a GUN in that bag? Why do you have a gun in there?"
DiveMedic: "Because it won't fit in the pocket of these shorts. Please hold your voice down."
FOF: "That isn't what I meant. Why do you feel the need to have a gun?"
DM: "To protect myself."
FOF: "Do you really think you are gonna need that here? This is a theme park, you aren't gonna get in a gun fight here."
DM: "Well, you work at Sea World. Didn't they have a rape in the parking lot a few months ago? And if I really was convinced that I would be in a gunfight here, I wouldn't be here."
FOF: "That can't be legal."
DM: "I have a concealed weapons permit."
FOF: "I am not sure I am comfortable with anyone having a gun around me."
DM: "You have known me for a year now, and I have carried a gun every time you have seen me. Have you ever seen me lose my temper? Even raise my voice?"

She eventually came around as far as I was concerned, but I think she is still a typical soccer mom type, like most middle class people, she doesn't understand that there are bad people in the world, and believes that all people can be reasoned with, so there is no reason to be armed.
Not sure I got made or not... you decide.

I was at the Wallyworld sporting goods counter and leaned over in such a way that my pistol in my back pocket may been exposed. I was new to carrying at hadn't gotten a proper and carry combo worked out yet. I think the counter man may have seen my piece. Again, I really cannot be sure one way or the other.

I take my ammo and proceed to the front so I can pay for eveything at once. As I am leaving the store I notice a cop seems to be keeping a very watchful eye on me as I exit the store. He is obviously following me to my vehicle (he is in a squad car the whole time) and slows down to check me out when I get to my car.

I put my groceries in the trunk and he slowly pulls away. So now I am thinking he wants to wait until I am on the street. But I cannot sit at Wallyworld for hours hoping he'll go away, so I leave the parking lot.

Nothing happened after that. I never saw him again.

Did I get made? You decide.


New member
No. Not so far. Gotten a few hugs and odd looks afterwards, but that was from people who knew I carried, just didn't know I carried all the time. The only time I've worried about it is when I've been dating a new girl and I always tell them up front, "I carry a gun. If this is a problem I need to know now. If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them."


New member
Cold I think you were made. I think the LEO was checking you out. when you got to the car he had your plate. Once he had your plate he could deturmine if you were legit. once that was done, he was done. If you were not legit I suspect he would have called for backup.


New member
I got caught by my Dad once. I was packing my 1991A1 at 6 O'clock he put his had right on it and knew what it was. He was a bit surprised but not alarmed. no other mention about it. As this is a rural area we don't have too much of the soccer mom attitude. I have caried open in our local college town walmart with no one being bothered. Open carry in PA is legit and doesn't require a permit except in filthydelphia.


New member
Dumb question...........Why are you guys worrying about getting made?? Are you ashamed that you carry ?? Worried about what other ppl think, it is your right isn't it?

I am all for the Brady battle cry "Call your local PD if you see a gun for you can't tell the good from the bad" :eek: Thats like yelling Wolf all the time....


New member
I'm not sure, but think a concealed carry permit means just that. Concealed. It's not an open carry because the issuer does not want people to see it. First, it gets some citizens pretty riled up and secondly, if a BG makes you, you may well be at a disadvantage.


New member
Unless someone grabs my cute, yet manly butt, I'm not getting made.

Thought you once said something about stuffing an NAA mini between your manboobs!

So maybe you'd also be made if someone grabs one of your cute, yet manly boobs?:D


New member
Our church mens group was having a men's breakfast one Saturday morning and I was helping cook. I was dressed in blue jeans and a Smith and Wesson T- shirt which covered my S&W Airweight model 638 very well. One of the other cooks bumped into me and said what's that? I disregarded the comment when another guy said, "I know what it is". Then the guy who bumped into me said, "It is illegal to have a gun in church". I said, "I never said it was a gun but you are wrong in your last statement. It is legal, in Texas, for someone who is licensed, to carry a concealed handgun in church and I can show you the statutes on it." Nothing else was said.
We have a small gun club in our church so a lot of guys know I carry and I know they carry church, all of the time.


Just heard a call on the scanner for a man carrying a gun running southbound on the I-15. The Sheriff's unit caught up with him....he had a black funnel, he ran out of gas. Guess he got made!


New member
In AZ?

I'm in Southern Arizona, I don't worry about 'getting made' since even the soccer mom's here carry. It's still the wild west in some respects. Here, anyone that is legal to buy a gun is legal to open carry, and a very easy 8hr class lets you conceal. I have OC in many occasions as it is too darn hot out to cover up with a jacket for about 8 months out of the year. No biggie out here.


New member
State Laws

Dumb question...........Why are you guys worrying about getting made?? Are you ashamed that you carry ?? Worried about what other ppl think, it is your right isn't it?

In some states, it is legal to carry concealed with a permit, but illegal to OC...Like California for example.


New member
Dumb question...........Why are you guys worrying about getting made?? Are you ashamed that you carry ?? Worried about what other ppl think, it is your right isn't it?
I agree with willson 73, but thought I explained myself in the OP. Tactical points aside, I don't want to deal with any "unease" in my career. Imagine 24 schoolkids at lunchtime saying; "Hey, Mr. G carries a gun", or in the hallways asking me if I have it. Ashamed? not a chance, but I'd rather not deal with it if I don't have to. Colleagues can go pound tar for all I care, but my life would be easier if I keep it to myself.
Afterall, You aren't listed in the phonebook as "Splat!!" are you? My screen name is not in place out of any shame, but I don't want antis calling my house at suppertime to tell me why I'm so "wrong".


New member
I agree with willson 73, but thought I explained myself in the OP. Tactical points aside, I don't want to deal with any "unease" in my career. Imagine 24 schoolkids at lunchtime saying; "Hey, Mr. G carries a gun", or in the hallways asking me if I have it. Ashamed? not a chance, but I'd rather not deal with it if I don't have to. Colleagues can go pound tar for all I care, but my life would be easier if I keep it to myself.
Afterall, You aren't listed in the phonebook as "Splat!!" are you? My screen name is not in place out of any shame, but I don't want antis calling my house at suppertime to tell me why I'm so "wrong".

I was curious , just a poll I run myself.....

My view.....

As an educator with firearm interests, I just thought it was odd........

The Tourist

It's made of metal, correct?

I'd just say it's a 'back brace,' and I'm very touchy about the medical condition.

Then change the subject. You didn't do anything wrong, and people shouldn't use gossip and innuendo about your life.


New member
I'm just wondering if others have had it happen, not the rights and wrongs. Just havin' some chat.


New member
I'm a teacher with an interest in firearms. My grandfather was a teacher and owned at least three. My father was a teacher and he taught me how to hunt. He owned many guns over the years and took to carrying a bulldog .44 after walking up on a drug deal at a local park. The band director at the school where he worked loved nothing more than a good dove shoot. Another teacher there owned the farm where such shoots were held as a traditional Sept. event.

My mother was a teacher and is now a college professor. She's owned several guns over time and shoots rather well. The principal of the school where I work is an avid deer hunter as are several of the other male teachers. One of the female teachers has her CCW, as do I.

Teachers aren't all gun-hating liberals who are trying to indoctrinate your children into the New World Order. At my school, I'd venture to say that at least half are conservative, Republican-voting Southern Baptists. Teachers are individuals just like everybody else. I have NRA stickers on my truck and on my classroom windows. I also have American Rifleman in my classroom for students to read during "Silent Sustained Reading" time. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the NEA.

Back on the subject... every once in a while my wife will put her arm around me and feel that I'm packing, otherwise she mostly doesn't know. I did get made today by a kid at the flea market. I lifted my 4-year-old son up onto my shoulders and the end of the barrel of my G23 stuck out from under an extra-long fleece pullover. He just looked at me for a moment but I must look enough like a cop that he didn't say anything.