Cato Institute Challenges Washington, DC Anti-Self Defense Laws

Jeff Thomas

New member
Despite the incredibly ignorant step of calling Cato a "Second Amendment group" (thank goodness they're finally spending a little more time on the RKBA), and a regrettably foolish typo ("bare arms"? ... please), this news is good.

Regards from TX,2933,71750,00.html

D.C. Gun Law Under Fire

Monday, December 02, 2002

WASHINGTON — A Second Amendment group is filing a lawsuit demanding that the nation's capital ease up its gun laws, which are considered the most restrictive in the nation.

The CATO Institute, a public policy research group that bases its work on libertarian principles, is crafting a legal challenge to Washington, D.C.'s law, claiming that all Americans have the right to defend themselves.

"The Second Amendment provides an individual right for a person to bare arms, not a collective right, not a right of the states, not a right of the militia, but a right on each and every person," said Bob Levy, a senior fellow in constitutional studies at CATO.

Washington, D.C., law states that it is illegal for anyone to own a handgun unless he or she is a police officer or has owned a gun registered prior to 1976.

Even those people allowed to possess a gun must keep it unloaded.

"That doesn't deter criminals at all," Levy said. "Somebody who is not deterred by laws against murder, they're hardly going to be deterred by laws that say you can't have a gun. So in D.C., you have a combination, on the one hand, the most severe gun laws in the nation, and on the other hand, one of the highest murder rates in the nation."

Supporters of of the D.C. laws, however, say the vast majority of gun violence is not the result of people defending themselves, but comes from criminals committing homicide.

"This idea that more guns equals less crime is flat out wrong. The truth is more guns equals more crime and it's as obvious as the nose on my face," said Matthew Nosanchuk of the Violence Policy Center.

Nosanchuk also points out that most of the guns used in D.C. crimes come from neighboring states.

"If you look at the guns used in crime in the District and trace them to their origin, how many of those guns came from D.C.? Virtually none of them, they all came from Virginia and other states with much less restrictive gun laws than D.C. has," he said.

But Levy said that the only people being denied guns are law-abiding citizens. And he argues that the numbers skew in favor of those using them lawfully.

"All of the evidence that has been introduced suggests that guns are used about 2 million times a year for defensive purposes. There are only 500,000 gun-related acts of violence a year. So on a four-to-one basis guns are more widely used for self-defense than they are for committing acts of violence. And that suggests that if we had more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens we would have less crime in D.C.," he said.

No timeframe has been set for the legal challenge, which will be filed on behalf of several D.C. residents who feel they are in danger because the law prevents them from owning a gun to protect themselves.

Fox News' Steve Centanni contributed to this report.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Hmmm ... sorry for the duplication. Looked around, but didn't see these other threads. Interesting Fox is only highlighting now ... I wonder why.

Regards from TX


New member
"Supporters of of the D.C. laws, however, say the vast majority of gun violence is not the result of people defending themselves, but comes from criminals committing homicide."

Well, what we have here is an Intellectual. He can plainly see that criminals are the problem. That's half the equation. Too bad it will take him and his Ivory Tower ilk another couple of evolutionary cycles before they see the unarmed victim side of that same equation.


New member
What I find interesting is how the VPC is always consulted on the pro-ban side, and how they come out with already-30-times-over-disprooved talking points. And the reporter always lets them get away with it.

The Foxnews story was pretty balanced, though. I'm sitting here holding my heart. ;)


Member In Memoriam
"Nosanchuk also points out that most of the guns used in D.C. crimes come from neighboring states."

Just have to ask, not being familiar with our bastion of liberty.

How many gunshops inside DC?


New member
Nosanchuk also points out that most of the guns used in D.C. crimes come from neighboring states.

"If you look at the guns used in crime in the District and trace them to their origin, how many of those guns came from D.C.? Virtually none of them, they all came from Virginia and other states with much less restrictive gun laws than D.C. has," he said.
An argument always used.

"We haven't been successful because guns come from everywhere. I tell you what; give us a complete and total ban and we'll stop gun violence."

No you won't. You will simply begin to complain because of foreign sources. A global ban is all you will accept.


Moderator Emeritus
"If you look at the guns used in crime in the District and trace them to their origin, how many of those guns came from D.C.? Virtually none of them, they all came from Virginia and other states with much less restrictive gun laws than D.C. has," he said.

If it's guns that cause the violence, Mr. Nosanupchuk, then Virginia and these other states should have much higher crime rates than DC. But they don't. Wonder why that is?


New member
Jeff Thomas

... and a regrettably foolish typo ("bare arms"? ... please), ...
No typo there, Jeff. In places like NYC, DC, and Chicago, those are the only arms one is allowed to bear -- the ones attached to their shoulders.

Remember how the passengers of the Long Island Railway shooting were forced to disarm the perp with their bare hands when he opened up on them inside a closed rail car?

In these types of places the Second Amendment reads "... the right to bear bare arms."


New member
Tamara, that is the pat response that will nail them every time.

"Crime in DC is the result of weak gun laws in Va."

"REALLY? Then why is the crime rate in Va. LOWER than in DC"

They have yet to come up with an answer and when pressed they will abandon the debate.