Cast bullet for 30-30?


New member
There is a fairly nice 311008 DC mould at auction. They always list this projo for the 32-20, but it is a 311 mould. I see no reason this can't be used for the 30-30 for plinkin'. It looks like two grease grooves, not really a crimp groove, and I have never loaded 32-30, which may not need any type of crimp, hence the lack of a crimp groove. I'm sure the top groove could be used as a crimp groove, but I like the idea of more lube too.

Anyone used this pattern in the 30-30?

Okie out


New member
Nope, very flat, along the same flatness as the 311316, only a flat base it appears. Just a little 115 grainer.


New member
Ought to run really well. Lyman 3rd lists a similar 115gr. 7.5gr to start with Red Dot, Green Dot or Unique ought to give you a really nice plinking or small game load.


New member
If it shoots as well as the Lee soupcan, you'll love it.

Another good one you might like is the Ideal/Lyman 308 or 311241. It's a 150ish plainbased RN bullet. I use them for rabbit, squirrel and varmints. If you have a kid and want to start them with a "cowboy gun" this bullet pushed by 6.0gr of Red Dot(PROMO) is ideal. The RCBS 150gr 30-30 cowboy bullet and SAECO 630 are nice too.


New member
I use .311 115 grain bullets for light .30-30 loads, with either Unique or Blue Dot. Yeah, they're originally designed for the .32-20 but those little 115 grain bullets are a lot of fun for plinking and range play.

I agree that if they shoot as well as the Lee soup-can bullet, they'll be great.

Paul B.

New member
I have that bullet in hollow point form. It's a fun load using 5.0 gr. of Unique with a one quarter square of toilet paper lightly tamped against the powder to keep it in place.
It shoot great in the 30-30 as a plinker and small game round. I call it a gallery load.
However, noot all is well. It depends on your rifle. The pullet properly seated is a bit too short to work in the M94 Winchesters and related M64s. It feeds just fine in my Marlins though. There is no problem with them feeding in a bolt action as well, at least there's been no problem in my Winchester M54.
FWIW, I also use it in the .308 Win. and 30-06 with the same charge. Quite a fun bullet to shoot.
When the kids and grandkids were small, I let them shoot that load in dad's/Grampa's big guns and they loved it.
Paul B.


New member
It's on it's way. Looking forward to casting with it. I looked into the LEE "Soupcan" as they refer to it on castboolits. It is designed for a check. I have shot check designed pistol bullets without the check, but hesitated to do it in a rifle. I suppose with these suggested loads of REd Dot, Unique, et al, the velocity is not likely to cause any cutting around that gap. Was gonna go ahead and use up my BAC lube. I have yet to order the harder lube, just want to use up what I got, even though it's a bit messy I think. It's good lube.

Paul B. I was wondering about using some ticking in thes reduced powder loads, and I see you use TP. I have never heard that. It appears safe for the barrel or you wouldn't be using it. Is there a special brand of TP, as all TP is not the same. Some is like sandpaper on my backside.


New member
I honestly wouldn't suggest using any filler--you shouldn't need it. Case capacity on a 30-30 is identical to 32 Win Spl (same case necked up in fact) and I have never found an issue. Further, the capacity is near identical to 7.62x39 (load info can be transferable between the two on the cast side of things with respect to starting load data). I've loaded subsonics down to 4gr. of Red Dot without any ignition trouble on those.


New member
FWIW---I myself would go with a gas check bullet because sooner or later you are gonna want to push it faster,like for deer hunting or rino hunting...


New member

Finally got home & was able to find it , looks like a plinker for the magazine fed rifles !!

Maybe we can get on a trade for some after ya get it warmed up ! ??

I find cast does better accuracy wise if ya put a check on the base if it`s designed for it , or at least in my Marlin it does .


New member
would be glad to do a trade of some kind. A normal winter would find me out in the garage casting quite often, but this warmer than usual winter (so far) is letting us get in the field sooner. That doesn't always to more free time later in the summer though.