Case Trimmer


New member
I Have a Lee lock stud and case trimmer for my 270.

I have several other calibers that I wish to reload, and I am considering the Hornady cam lock trimmer.

I can buy the pilot for the lee for $4 per caliber.

Or the Cam lock for $60.

Thoughts, experience, input, or criticizms?


New member

I have The Lee stuff for all the cases I trim. I bought a separate wood ball handle for each caliber. Fortunately for me most of them use the same case holder. using a cordless drill that sits upright in my case a Ryobi 18v set up is a snap and no adjustments to make.


New member
The Lee trimmers are fast and cheap. The only thing faster that I'm aware of is the Possum Hollow Kwick Trim with a power adapter.


Spend the money and get the Wilson Trimmer, it has no peers as a lathe type trimmer! NOPE ! Get the set up from Sinclair!


New member
I use the Lee trimmer on all my rifle and pistol loads--getting the cutter with the wooden knob is definitely good advice. The only problem I have run into using the Lee system is trimming all my new brass to the same length if many of the cases are shorter than "Lee length." It does not happen often, but it does happen.


New member
+1 for the Lee trimmer and a cordless drill. I trim, deburr, then polish with 4O steel wool all in one step (more or less). I put my Lyman trimmer away after I discovered the cheap little Lee set-up.


New member
2+ on Lee. No adjusting. All cases are consistent in length, and is fool-proof.
I was leary at first until I saw how it worked. I wouldn't go back to the other trimmer. I case trim my cases after each load for consistancy.


New member
I just picked up the Lee trimming system parts the other day. Yes, it is a VERY slick, simple, cheap system. Doing it by hand (no power drill) does get old quickly though. Do most of you guys just grab your regular drill or do you have a more dedicated setup? How about the recoil operated Lee "Zip Trim"?


New member
Drill for Lee trimmer

I found what works for me is my Ryobi Cordless. It works because it will stand up on it's own. When sitting on my desk, it's just the right height to work well.

Don't forget to put something under it to catch the shaveings

Putting a corded in a hobby vice I suspect would work as well.