CAS loads 44 and Green Dot


New member
Hi everyone, Happy New Year.

I reload 44 Russian, Spl, and Mag for cowboy shoots.
With OT 200 RNFP Silver Bullets, Winch LP primers and until recently with Unique in the larger cases and Bullseye in the Russians.

I was thinking of economizing and using one powder (Green Dot) for these three cartridges.

Anyone else try to find a powder that functions well in varying case sizes?
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New member
Can't help you with specific picks for larger volume cases, but I can give you one comment regarding Green Dot-- I've had fine luck with it for accuracy, but I hope I never find a dirtier, smokier damn powder. Big clouds of smoke and lots of filthy residue on your guns.

Although, for cowboy action shooting and period dress and the like, smoky and dirty may be specifically desired!


New member
Green Dot is one of my favorite SHOTGUN powders; it is as described above in pistol applications. Good economical stuff for heavy trap; but if I had to load all those cartridges I'd have to pick 700X because it burns cleaner and is still economical because you use small charges. If you use a progressive you have to be careful not to double charge anything; a powder check die is a very good idea. CB.


New member
I've loaded Green Dot in my .44 Mag before. I found the "spec loads" to be very dirty and smokey as Sevens posted. I also found that if I loaded it up it would and could shoot as clean as Blue dot. I won't post that load data as you need to work up your own. Just that I was shooting a 240 gr SWC and it was a pretty tame load. I found Blue dot to be an excellent .44 Mag powder. My current favorite is 25 gr of IMR 4227 and a 210 gr Remmington JHP. I had to work this up as well as I only had data for 200 or 225 gr bullets. This load is well between the lines and easy on the gun and easy to shoot. Chronographed this one yesterday at 1400 FPS. :)



New member
Thanks for the input. You are right to assume there is a style point factor regarding getting smoke and soot from smokeless rounds, but I will load up a few and try 'em out of the SS Vaquero as its easier to clean.

I still have Unique as well as a pound of Bullseye lying around.

Have a safe years end, everyone.


New member
Green Dot powder

GD burns clean when you get the pressure up -- I use it for loading 9mm.

If you want a powder that burns clean at CAS pressures, try American Select.
It won't help with style points, and in fact is extremely clean, but IMR Trail Boss was developed just so you could pretty much fill those old cases. I would be looking at it from the standpoint of good accuracy and uninterrupted (by fouling bulid-up) shooting.