Carson Daly this morning

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New member
Carson Daly was a rerun this morning that had Mekhi Phifer on as a guest.

Daly expressed surprise that Phifer likes to go to the gun range and shoot, then intimated that the people who shoot at gun ranges must be p*ssed off at something. He then made a comment about road rage like gun owners are the ones who practice it. What an idiot.


New member
I always knew he was a complete moron, now I know why. It's kind of hypocritical since he made his money on a network that promotes a thug lifestyle through its programming. :barf:


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That just reminds me of the SNL skit that starts off as a Total Request Live episode with Jimmy Fallon playing Carson Daly.
"Hi, and welcome to TRL...I'm Carson Daly and I'm a complete tool..."


New member
It's kind of hypocritical since he made his money on a network that promotes a thug lifestyle through its programming.
I think MTV actually used to play music videos. Or at least the first minute of them.
What a doofus.


I was at the laundry mat the other day(dryer broke) and they had on MTV. They did a survey on what people thought would be the biggest problem for our generation. 22% said the environment. only 10% said war/terrorism. I apologize in advance for the stupidity that my generation may well inflict upon the world... At least the trees and dolphins will still be around when osama gets the bomb.:barf:


New member
That just reminds me of the SNL skit that starts off as a Total Request Live episode with Jimmy Fallon playing Carson Daly.
"Hi, and welcome to TRL...I'm Carson Daly and I'm a complete tool..."

Darn! that's what I was thinking! :D


New member
10% terrorism?

That's really surprising. I'm 26, and most people my age I talk to recognize enviromental concerns as a serious long-term problem, and terrorism as a serious IMMEDIATE problem.

But people who watch MTV tend to be less informed than their peers... at least, going by my sister's coworkers and friends. They watch MTV non-stop, and know nothing about anything but Road Rules and the "Real World."

Yeah, right.

Big Mac

New member
You don't want to know. He's the skinny, male version of Rosie O'Donnell except his penis isn't nearly as big as Rosie's. Speaking of hypocrites. Remember how Rosie ambushed Tom Selleck on her show and her son's Bodyguard has a gun. Then she was like, "If you're licensed, trained, and registered then I have no problem." Well that's nice, I think the rest of us can't afford rendering to Caesar like she can from her ivory tower.

I'm 20 and I cannot stand people who bring up MTV or stupid pop things. Everyone at work looked at me weird when I asked who the hell Alicia Keys was. I should have been born about 20 years earlier, my taste in music, movies, views, etc. fit someone who is more refined than what the current generation has to offer.

MTV is single-handedly dumbing down our nation to the point that even some kid's loser parents imitate their kids to be "cool". What a bunch of tools.


New member
Even my left-leaning and relatively anti-gun mother HATED Rosie O'Donnell for the Tom Selleck attack. It WAS detestable. I almost wrote both of them letters - O'Donnell in anger, Selleck in support.

But then, amazingly, the media seemed to side with Selleck (maybe simply because he was trying to be calm and was completely bushwacked by someone who clearly had an agenda from the outset - besides, who takes sides against Magnum PI???), which made me feel better.

Here is the transcript:

The best part, though, was when Howard Stern pointed out - and news stations repeated - that O'Donnell herself was a fervant endorser of KMart, one of the largest gun-selling chains - and her mysterious silence when asked if continued sale of firearms would end her endorsement. Hmmmmmmmm...

Big Mac

New member
Didn' K-Mart eventually axe her fat ass after it was noticing she's too anti-gun for their tastes and wallets? I watched the clips, she really needs help. When you get that vehement about a piece of steel, you have serious issues. She's all "Ban all guns and jail all gun owners." And I'd always like to point out this: She claims the founding fathers would have never fathomed assault rifles but would they have fathomed megaphones, television, movies, radio, and the internet in regards to the 1st Amendment? No, that's why the constituition allows for change because the smart people who founded this country recognized that things change and that a country must adapt to the changes.

Les Auten

New member
Didn' K-Mart eventually axe her fat ass after it was noticing she's too anti-gun for their tastes and wallets?

Unfortunately I believe Rosy was mostly responsible for Kmart no longer selling handgun ammo.


New member
Les Auten says...

Unfortunately I believe Rosy was mostly responsible for Kmart no longer selling handgun ammo.

I think it's because she ate all the bullets!! LMAO!:D But as for Carson Daly and MTV, yeah I notice that most of my peers that watch it 24/7 tend to be bottom scrape when it comes to trying to have intelligent discussion with them about ANYTHING. If it's not about bad music, bad fashion, and what's popular they tend to not want to have anything to do with me. Oh well, I quality over quantity, the masses can go ahead and pollute their minds watching TV, I on the other hand wanna get out and experience what the world has to offer me. Oh yeah, and if anyone thinks I'm a tree-hugging hippie because I love the environment damn right I do! But I also love guns! Yeah, chew on that for a bit. I do agree that environment is the biggest long term problem and terrorism/crime is the biggest immediate problem.



New member
The Better Generation vs The Clueless One

Really now, your posts compliment our mindsets vs their ignorance(which can be troubling if they get put in charge of something important) I,too, was repulsed that she stooped so low, but Tom held the higher ground. As a GO I couldn't have been more proud. Shortly after Sports Afield folded I still had a few subscription issues owed me. Their publishing company, without asking for my permission or input, decided to substitute(as if there is any) the Rosie trash they wasted paper on. Bad mistake. I wrote them a scathing letter with the main point being what she did to Tom, how low and disgusting it was, and forwarded several copies to the NRA(with a contribution to NRA-ILA; I told Rosie it was in her honor) and other Pro 2nd org's. I told them not to dare disgrace our mailbox with another copy of that trash and that it would be my pleasure if they would all take a flying leap at a rolling donut. Never got a refund for the difference so I sent SAF some money. All freedom loving gun owners have a duty and responsibility to vehemently respond, intelligently mind you, any time a politician, media outlet or misguided soul spouts lies and misinformation hoping no one will call them to task for it. The defining moment of a patriot is that he or she is willing and ready at all times to risk their honor, safety, and reputation to speak out when it is neither safe or popular and insist the truth be told. 56 brave Americans started that, but it is up to each one of us to see that it lives on and thrives.

"It is as fatal as it is cowardly to blink at facts because they are not to our taste" John Tyndall English Physicist 1820-1893


New member
Epyon said:
Oh yeah, and if anyone thinks I'm a tree-hugging hippie because I love the environment damn right I do! But I also love guns! Yeah, chew on that for a bit. I do agree that environment is the biggest long term problem and terrorism/crime is the biggest immediate problem.

Believe it or not most of the time spent hunting and fishing is just enjoying nature at its best. To be an ethical hunter or fisher you have to respect nature and the game you are taking from it. I know I do, and I assume most of the men and women here also do.


New member
To dave0520...

I've never hunted, but I wish I could especially after I've had a taste of bison, elk, and gator. I love being outdoors so if I went hunting, that'd be a bonus for me. I really think it is up to hunters to try to protect the environment, after all, without wilderness we couldn't have the animals we like to eat, but respect at the same time for future generations to experience.

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