Carrying without a permit.....


New member
I am going to get a CCW permit in my home state (Iowa), but my question is what to do in the meantime. What if, God forbid, I was forced to defend my life outside of my own home BEFORE I had a permit? A friend of mine has no plans of ever getting a CCW permit, but carries all the time, wherever he goes. I'm just wondering about the legal implications of.....a) having to use a gun without CCW permit, or b) getting caught carrying without permit, but not having used the gun on anyone.



New member
You have to find out the laws governed bye the state you live in, some states as NH you can carry as long as your gun is fully exposed, in full sight.
if you get a permit, this allows you to carry concealed, becareful due to some states like Mass, have a law, if you are caught with a handgun unlicensed and no permit, you will receive one year in jail, with no option for bail, this can be serious, so be sure to contact your local police dept. In most cases involving in your home, you can have what you want to defend your home, don't need a conceal license there, but you better have a good solid story if you shoot someone in self defense, because you as well may be doing time. Imagine someone robbing your home, you can't shoot them, you need to find a option for a escape route, then call the police, Ya right. In my case the robbers will be hearing hit the ground and spreadem and don't move a inch, or you will be aired out really quick 8)
Aim small hit small. RAMbo.


The only way you can carry without a CCW permit is one, you live in Vermont, two if you're hunting which you would have to carry it in the open. Other than that it's illegal. You can carry concealed if you wish without the permit if you desire to. If you're caught the gun will be confiscated and you'll probably never get it back.

Edison Carter

New member
I believe that if you CAN obtain a CCW permit, that it is prudent
to do so, I think it is smart to have an attorney on retainer, and
be ready to obtain legal representation as quickly as possible,
both criminal, and civil. Be absolutely CERTAIN you understand the
laws on carrying a weapon, and justifiable use of force, in your state
and anywhere else you may travel to.

I have carried unlawfully, and it gave me a great aversion to
being "made", and a great aversion to stumbling into conflicts
which would have required me to deploy my weapon.

Some people who have never felt need to carry, but get the idea
it would be "cool" to be armed and "ready for anything" seem to
imagine that if something happens, they will prevail in an indisputably
justifiable shooting, and possibly receive a ticker tape parade.


I believe that the vast majority of people who take a CCW course,
are fooling themselves about how much of an edge it REALLY gives
them when things get fugly.

Get your CCW, get some advanced training, and then get some
MORE training.

Just my .02.



New member
In TX you cannot carry until you have your permit on your person. Even if you just passed the class, you cannot carry. So it depends on your state laws.

In many states, if you are carrying a concealed weapon and are caught with it, you get in trouble...arrested, ticketed...not sure which, when I watch COPs all the dudes with a CCW violation get arrested, but then again, they just evaded :D


New member
I would think carrying without a permit would pose credibility issues even if one were involved in a righteous shoot. It's stressed here and in training how important it is to be able to articulate your case after the fact. If you're a lawbreaker from the get-go, you've already got a strike against you and now you've gone and shot someone. Sounds like a bad idea to me.



New member
If concealed carry in your state is illegal, it is probably a felony to carry concealed without a permit. IMHO you'd be a moron to carry without a permit when you are lucky enough to live in a shall issue state.

Felony= big fine, potential jail time, and NO MORE GUNS EVER.

Why would you subject yourself to that risk?

I had to wait a few months to get my Florida CC permit. Didn't kill me.
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New member
In Tennesse it is a misdimeaner and a big fine, also you never get that gun back. But in Tennesse if can cary a firearm in you car not loaded, but you can have a loaded magazine in the car but not in the same place as the gun, and long guns can proudly be displade in the back window of your truck with no legal ramifications.


New member
Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person who goes armed with a dangerous weapon concealed on or about the person, or who, within the limits of any city, goes armed with a pistol or revolver, or any loaded firearm of any kind, whether concealed or not, or who knowingly carries or transports in a vehicle a pistol or revolver, commits an aggravated misdemeanor.

That's Ch. 724.4(1) of the Iowa Code. Here's the link:

Here's an index of Ch. 724 of the Iowa Code if you want to poke around:

I personally would not have any sympathy for someone who knowingly broke the law. I say wait until you get the permit, if that's the only way to be legal. I also say find yourself a good Iowa laywer and ask him all of your questions. Nothing else is reliable.


New member
you should always comply with the laws of your state because if you get caught you can probably get into some real trouble. i personally would not risk carrying unless i was a ccw holder or if i were allowed to open carry. i live in california and i would not risk even though its only a misdemeanor for the first time offense.


New member
Affirmative defense?

Ohio used to have something called "affirmative defense" that meant, you were still in trouble for carrying cocealed, but you could claim that you had a real need to counter a realistic threat or a specific one, I guess. That meant you lost your gun, but you might not have to go to jail. But since they passed our weak a--ed CCW law(no use againt carjacking, apparently) they no longer accept that justification and you must get the CCW license. I guess you could get away with a tiny .25 hidden in a breast pocket or something, but I would be too paranoid to carry anything substantial, illegally! But it might be my imagination getting too far out.


New member
Not really words to live by but :

If I'm a free man, do I need another's permission to protect my self ?

If you think about it, CC permits are the most interesting form of gun control - it creates a regristry of gun owner's - regristration = confiscation.

Just a few aspect's of the issue I've pondered.

If I do happen to get into a situation in which I have to use deadly force to protect myself, do I care if I did or did not have a concealed carry permit ?

That all being said I have a VA CC permit, only b/c I feel the right must be excersied or we will lose it. But before I got one I still carried in my vehicle and in certain other situations b/c I feel it's my right as a citizen.


An old west lawman once said when asked why he carried a .45, "because they don't make a .46"


New member
The messages above pretty much lay out the choices. You may feel that you've gotta do what you've gotta do, but if you're caught on the wrong side of the line on this you'll pay in ways you never imagined, and for the rest of your life. Of course, if you're caught on the wrong side of the other line, that may not be very long.

The only thing I'll point out is that tactical awareness and good self-governance will almost always keep you out of situations where you'd ever need a weapon in the first place, so it's probably legitimate to reckon the odds both ways before you choose.


New member
My main issue would be that if I were to be caught carrying w/out a permit, it would then make it harder for me to obtain a permit in the future, thus I went and got my carry permit first and carry w/ no worries.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I have said this before, but I will repeat it.

Anyone who feels he NEEDS to carry a gun will do so, legally or not.

Anyone who WANTS to carry a gun for fun, had better obey the law.

People who have Walter Mitty ideas about slaying dragons and defending fair maidens fall into the latter category. People who have testified in court and helped send the Capo di Capi to prison for life belong in the former group.



New member
Ahhhh, I just found out the real reason why my friend doesn't get a CCW permit. He disclosed to me that he got a DWI 2 years ago and thinks that will prevent him from getting his CCW permit. I always thought he just "preferred not to."

Steve in PA

New member
In PA, if you are caught carrying without a CCW (and are otherwise eligible to possess one), and have committed no other criminal have committed a misdemeanor of the first degree (max of 5 years +$10,000 fine)

If you are forbidden (by law) from carrying, and caught you have committed a felony of the third degree (max not more than 7 years +$15,000 fine)