Carrying in Reno, NV


New member
Headed to Reno next month for a week. Will probably spend just about the entire week I'm there in the: Grand Sierra Hotel

As I understand it my Florida permit makes me good to carry. But a friend (fellow packer)who is going to be with me wrote to the hotel and asked about fire arms and was told they aren't allowed and would have to be checked into security when entering the hotel.

Here is what the manager of the hotel wrote:

" I had forgotten that we have posted signs at all of our
entrances stating that firearms are not allowed inside the building, due
to that if you bring your weapon, you will need to check it at security.
Sorry for my error in previous emails."

My feeling is that this is a standard response which you would get from any hotel in any state..... I wonder what the laws are for signage in N.V. and if anybody in Reno knows if there actually are signs at the Grand Sierra and any other suggestions...


New member
If it's concealed......

Why bother asking?

What else is the guy going to say but no? Think about it, if you've never been around guns and some guy out of the blue asks "Can I carry loaded pistol around your place of work?". Duhh... The first thing he's thinking is that your some nut case lookin to shoot the place up.

Besides if it's concealed whose gonna know?

It's better to ask forgiveness than permission.........

Daniel BOON

New member
I live in Vegas

and Reno isn't much different: if you think you are safe in a hotel in this town, ask one of the gangsters who are constantly shooting each other inside the casino's. thats a fact the tourist brochures don't tell you about. DB


New member
Gotta share a story here. sorta related. Myself and the fam went to visit the extended fam in Kalifornia on the tail end of the Disneyland trip. 3 days in Anaheim, then a week up north. Plan was to go hog hunting while there. I checked in at the hotel, 1/4 mi from Disneyland and promptly asked them to store my .243 in their safe while there. Talk about getting some odd looks out of the management and especially from all of the mom,pop and kids when I strolled across the lobby of the hotel w/ a rifle case.
Illegal in my state to carry anywhere that serves booze.

Magnum Mike

New member
Cant figure the illegal around booze one out! Stupid idea there! heard one guy say people cant handle their booze! Dumb huh? What kind of thinking is that? Kind of like saying cars make people drive drunk! I can agree with a alcohol blood level, I guess. Here it's .04!


New member
As I understand it.... the hotel is not the casino... these are different areas.

Just like in many places with bars and resteraunts...

What I'm trying to find out here is Nevada just recognized other states permits... now are folks telling me even though I can carry in Nevada I can't it I'm going to be staying in a hotel that might have a slot machine somewhere in it. Need to hear from Nevada folks....


New member
From a Reno resident-

Places with posted no gun signs are off limits, according to the law. However, if you're found carrying in a posted no gun building, you'll only be asked to leave. If the cops are called, they will only give you a no trespass warning and ask you to leave. NOT ALL CASINOS ARE POSTED FOR NO GUN SIGNS. I've been in most of them, and never noticed any signage, though I can not speak for the GSR cause I don't like that casino/hotel. Lots of casinos may have No Firearm POLICIES, but without the signage at the doors, it's not your responsibility to know what they have written in some rule book.

There is no law banning carrying where alcohol is served. That said, I'm told by two former LEO handgun instructors if you are drinking while carrying, and found by police, you will have a bad night. The only places off limits are the obvious: government buildings, posted No Gun sign buildings, and Public Buildings (aka any city sanctioned building). The downtown event center is considered the public building, and actually cites the Nevada Revised Statues banning carry inside. Carrying inside the public buildings can get you arrested, so I strongly recommend disarming in that case.

If you keep it concealed, you will have zero issues. Bring your piece, and welcome to Reno friend!


New member
I just stumbled on this one and jfrey123 is spot-on.

Nevada law requires that the signage be posted at every entrance to the building. I've run across a few entrances that were not posted (i.e. a breezeway from a garage to the hotel) in casinos who had posted on the street entrances. In that case they are not "officially" posted and the other signs are "void".

Be discrete and keep it concealed and you'll generally have no problem. In 99% of cases they will simply ask you to leave. Being courteous to them gets you the same in return. Remember, they're a tourist industry and they'll generally be happy to let you return sans your gun.

Casino security is usually very good and there is little reason to carry while gaming. If an altercation breaks out on the casino floor, their folks are usually on it in seconds.


New member
I always have a problem.... with "a place has good security, you'll be safe"

seems like the perfect place to worry to me... then again... I leave my gun in my truck when I go to a gun show.... I figure if some knut starts taking folks out there... I'm going to dig a hole in the concrete floor because enough lead is going to be flying with out me contributing...

I'm not worried about the casino area itself.. I have no desire to give them my money. My personal code with carrying and drinking is like driving anything beyond one drink and it's either time to stop or go home. I'm there going to and working for a convention and will be going between classes and the staff office and such..... resterants... maybe get out on the street once or twice during the week if I'm lucky.

S.C. has the same law that the sign has to be on ALL entrances... even the employee only ones in back used by the mexicans..... so here if there is a legal sign out front, which is pretty just walk around back and see there is no sign and you are still legal.


New member
Seems to me that a BG opened fire in Vegas from the second floor balcony of the New York/New York casino about a year ago. I don't leave my handgun in the truck in Vegas, believe me. My biggest issue is that while I don't spend any time in the typical Roadhouse place(well anymore), I do enjoy going into a restraunt and have the beverage of my choice with dinner, yet our ccw law says no booze. Whatever, I've done the low profile thing and will continue to do so.

"Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6"
Can't think of a better motto. I think I'll make that my sig line....