Carrying and the proper mentality

Stagger Lee

New member
If you're going to carry a gun every day, get your head in the game, and don't be this woman.

The proper mindset is crucial, and if you walk around in a cloud thinking that you'll never have to shoot it at someone and that you really don't need to train, please just sell that gun at the first pawn shop you come across.


New member
Stories like that concern me, considering I am in a location guarded by a private security firm at least half the time...Yeesh!

How does one guide a person like that to an understanding of the problem? I only seem to come up with rather pointed statements at such times.


"staggerlee", you bring up a good point.

She's a guard at a fixed location, probably with other guards working with her. The location probably has other security means, such as alarms and/or fences. She's complacent, fat and happy. If she's part of a "Guard Service" or if she's hired and trained directly by the company, she probably doesn't have the training necessary to get into a gunfight. I worked briefly for a "Guard Service" Our training consisted of 50 rounds at a B27 target about 15 feet away. Our goal was to put all 50 rounds in the black from a low ready position. No other training or instruction. Many guards of this type don't practice. They don't see the need. Hopefully, she don't ever have the need. If she does, she's dead.

I've carried many years, all total. I've pulled my gun twice, but never discharged it. Would I? In a heartbeat in both situations, if they had escalated. Would I hesitate to draw and shoot now? No.

It's a different mindset...I hope to never have to draw my gun again, much less pull the trigger. But, if I have to, I'm ready and willing to do it.

Be a wolf, not a sheep.