Carry while walking

10mm man

New member
Doc says I have to lose weight. What's new? So I ask, "Besides diet, what is the best exercise?" "Walk" he says. "2 miles a day in 30 minutes or less."
So I slip the Beretta .32 into my thunderwear and head out every evening for a walk. Pretty comfortable and highly concealed but easily accessed if necessary for the dog that decides to bite me in the ass. The good news is I have lost 15 lbs. in about a month.
Anyone else carry while exercising?


New member
I ride a bike and my P229 always comes along. If you really want to bump up the weight loss, try a bike. Its as easy on you as walking, with more benefits, such as calorie burn. Its also a lot more interesting and allows you to cover a lot more ground. Dogs are more interesting too. :)
I've just started exercising again after an unlucky injury streak (back, knee, and a busted rib and wrist), and I've found that my everyday carry rig is fine for the job.

I don't know if my Bianchi M100 would quite hold onto the Hi-Power during handstand push-ups, but it will be a while before I can even think about doing those again.


I Walk + CCW All the Time: Suggestions:

Most of my CCW is while walking at night. I think most important element is good quality and good fitting belt because the gun is bouncing around. Good support is a big help.

The good news is that a lot of holsters that would be a pain when sitting aren't when walking. If its IWB wear something between your skin and the holster - thicker the better, thick t-shirt material or something - as friction occurs and your skin can get rubbed sore.

I carry full-size guns, including at times a Ruger Blackhawk
5 1/2" .45 Long Colt. No problem with any. All on belt, usually OB. And I'm 5'10", 150 lbs and 60 yrs old.


New member
On walks around the neighborhood, it's a S&W 432PD .32 mag in thunderwear that works best for me. Especially when the weather is nice and a jacket would be too much.

On cooler nights, the 432PD can disappear in a coat pocket. I've also worn a S&W 9mm in a shoulder holster under the coat when walking and found it pretty comfortable.


New member
I usually use my apartment complex's fitness center. The door lock and I'm always alone or with my girlfriend so I keep it in a bag close at hand, but when I do go for walks I do carry.


New member
Unfortunately, my favorite form of exercise is swimming. That accounts for the .05% of the time I'm not carrying. Hmmm... waterproof carry gun/ammo with a speedo holster made to fit a bathing suit and sights that can be seen through goggles..


New member
I can't think of a better time to carry...

I'm probably more heavily armed like this that when I got out and about during my normal day.


I ride a bike and my P229 always comes along. If you really want to bump up the weight loss, try a bike. Its as easy on you as walking, with more benefits, such as calorie burn. Its also a lot more interesting and allows you to cover a lot more ground. Dogs are more interesting too.

Ditto, on biking, as opposed to walking. I absolutely despise walking and running, but love biking. I've lost 24+# in the past three months, and will be losing another 20# or so over the next two-three months.

I'm always armed when biking.

deputy tom

New member
Riding a mountain bike on the Rails to Trails path I'll carry a glock in a fanny pack.Easy on your joints and takes off the weight too.If I'm walking it's on my newly replaced treadmill in my basement.No worries about what to carry just reach in the corner for a real gun if needed.YMMV.tom.:cool:


New member
I used to carry an airweight J-frame in a fanny pack while jogging on rural roads. I don't jog anymore but I often carry the J-frame in a pocket holster when I'm walking the flea-markets, yard-sales, etc.


New member
i'm always carrying when the dog and i go for walks. i'll carry my USP9 or P2000 in blade-tech IWBs or if i'm being lazy, and plan on not going very far, i'll carry w/o the holster
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New member
If you only open carry unless you're wearing a jacket, are we to assume that you work out in a coat???

Kinda hard to open carry when working out. I do conceal if I NEED to, and working out is a perfect example of when I do. Or when going out to a nice resturant with the wifey. She hates it when I pack on romantic nights, so I conceal then too


New member
When I know I'd be going for a walk for exercise, I'd probably take advantage of wearing a full size auto in small of back. No sitting or anything to worry about would make that a breeze...

Can't wait to get my permit here in a month or so... At least apply for it anyway... :(