Carry Pistol


New member
I was interested in which of these two pistols you guys would carry if you carried only one gun....a Keltec P-11 (9mm) or a Seecamp .32?


New member
I would carry the one you feel more comfortable with. The one you can shoot and handle any type of malfunction that might happen in case something goes wrong on your end.


New member
The P11 has had ample time to have had all the bugs worked out of the design.

It's 9mm amd therefore a more potent calber for self defense.

The Seacamp, while a good gun is gonna cost you a lot more for less power.

I'd go with the KT.

Keep in mind, that if you have the bucks for a Seacamp, there are a lot of other really good nines out there to choose from in the same price range!!
Because of personal experience I would be very reluctant to ever carry a Kel-Tec for self defense.

The Seecamp, on the other hand, is a very reliable and well made firearm that I shoot and carry regularly.



New member
Keltec pistols have a reputation for not performing well all the time.
Seecamp pistols have an excellent reputation for performing all the time.
My number one priority in a CCW is that it be reliable, regardless of caliber.



New member
I have the .32...just got it. I can see the .380 in my future. Is that recoil on the .380 pretty rough?


New member
lol, that'll work. I think either is sufficient for what the gun is made for, and if you shoot for the throat or stomach, it will penetrate plenty, up fairly close. The stomach is on the left side of the BG, right under the left rib cage.


New member
I owned a kel tec p11 when they first came out, on paper it seemed perfect. High cap for a pistol it's size and weight and at a low price, what's not to love. Then I started to shoot it, the p11 had regular jams mostly failure to feed but these where within the "break-in" period. The worst issue I had was the trigger, while I was very new to pistol shooting I still feel the trigger was the worst of any gun short of a S&W 22cal kit gun I used to own. I once spoke to a P11 owner who felt comfort in the idea that if he ever lost his pistol to an attacker he would have time to pull his BUG due to the length of the trigger pull. I sold the P11 and replaced it with a snub, but I would go with a .32 over the P11.