Carry NO-NO's

John DR

New member
In my state it is against the law to carry where alcohol is server for consumption.
My question is what would you do if you were at A restaurant with your firearm, eating your meal and all of A sudden you noticed that they serve alcohol?
Would you jump up and go to your car or would you just finish up and leave?
BTW I think this part of the law needs to be changed, if your not drinking it should not be A problem to have your gun with you.


New member
Fortunately for Texan's. concealed carry is only prohibited in places that make 51% or more of their revenue from the sale of alcohol (bars and clubs). That does not include restarants because they make most of their revenue from the sale of food.

That said and I found myself in your position, I would keep quiet and keep it concealed. Don't ask, don't tell and everyone is happy.


New member
alaskas laws are almost better than texas...its okay to ccw into a restaurant that serves alcohol, so long as you dont consume.

a question on my mind is how would i turn down a drink a friend tries to buy me, tactfully? real funny looks may occur if i just say 'no thanks, not today'.
then again, i'd have to have friends for the whole scenario to ever come about, so the questions really academic at this point.
Utah is even better than that... unless you are above the legal intoxication definition, that is, blood alcohol content for drunk driving .008 or whatever it is, you're golden.

I don't drink at all, so it isn't a problem, but CCW goes pretty much anywhere there isn't a metal detector in this state.


New member
My question is what would you do if you were at A restaurant with your firearm, eating your meal and all of A sudden you noticed that they serve alcohol?
Other than McDonald's and like fast food establishments, I can't imagine any restaurant that doesn't serve alcohol, so I'd consider any restaurant I'd go to as being in the category of a bar with respect to your state's CCW laws.


New member
Florida prohibits carrying in an establishment or part of an establishment thats primary function is serving alcohol. You can enter a restaurant that serves alcohol, just not the bar area.


New member
Concealed means concealed. Ain't no one gonna know, unless you start sweating like crazy and acting all funny, then run out to your car on an obviously trumped-up pretext. *shrug* Finish your meal calmly, and don't break the law again.

Btw, in Washington state, the law is that you may not carry anyplace marked "21 or older." So the restaurant is ok, but the attached lounge is not.


The best way out is always through. -- Robert Frost


New member
In Florida you can carry into a restaurant but not a bar. You can carry into the dining section of a restaurant that has separate bar and dining areas.

In the small local restaurants that I favor, the "dining area" consists of a half-dozen or so tables immediately adjacent to the bar.

I liberally construe this law to mean that I can sit at one of the tables and enjoy my meal.


Like Porter, I live in Utah. I, however, have been known to partake in the adult beverages... ;)
I'm usually not a heavy drinker, so I get to carry pretty much whenever and whereever :)
I may never move....
Speaking of which, has anyone tried those home breathaliyzer kits? When I'm carrying and in public 2 is usually my limit, but I thought I might carry a few of those just to see.....
Of course, I'd rather be judged by 12 then carried by six, and it might not change my 'habits'.....


New member
Yep, you're right.

The law needs to be changed back to the way it was prior to July, 2001 (without changing the fact that more of us can legally carry, now). Prior to the new law, we could indeed carry in a bar or restaurant that serves alcohol. We still couldn't drink, but we wouldn't be treated as criminals if we didn't disarm.



New member
Oregon is like Utah.

In fact in Oregon the only places you can't carry ar Federal Facilities, Wilderness areas in National Forests, Indian Reservations (unless you have written permission from the tribe), Courthouses and any private business tha doesn't permit firearms.


New member
pax - just fyi, the WA law is not based on whether or not the place is marked - the law lists, among other places off-limits:

RCW 9.41.300(d) That portion of an establishment classified by the state liquor control board as off-limits to persons under twenty-one years of age.

Now, it may be that those places are supposed to also be marked . . . but that I don't know.


New member
As I understand it in Pa, in order to have a Sunday liquor license, a bar must serve food. Since I usually only go in a bar for lunch, the law was conveniently written for me to carry in a place that serves booze. :D