Carry Gun Challenge


New member
Over at "another forum" there is a thread where a few folks, myself included, were bold enough to take out our grungy old carry guns, and snap a few pics without even wiping the lint off. The results yeilded a fascinating display of pictures. So with that in mind, How about whooping out your carry gun and photographing the unvarnished truth of a carry gun's life for all to see? I'll get us started with my old Model 38.


Muzzle wear from years of being jammed into a pocket holster.


The real wear is on the backstrap, from ankle carry and items accidentally being tossed into the gun pocket.


These grips are home crafted by an old cop. They were meant for a Centennial type gun and have a "Coke bottle" profile, but they feel so good I use them. Who cares if they look a bit funky!


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New member

Yoke, left side. HydraShoks peeking out.


Yoke, right.


Standard pic of this revolver.


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New member
Llama .38

This is my "beater" gun...extremely dependable and ugly as can be. There is almost no blueing left anywhere on the gun and it's missing a screw on the sideplate.



New member
Hard act to Follow...

XavierBreath, your photos set a very high bar for the rest of us... Kudos on your photos. (Do you have professional photography in your background?).

Anyway, followed your instructions: this is my CS-45 exactly as it is:


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New member
Guys: Those guns are BEAUTIFUL. They're carried and used by you instead of being "safe queens". That's the way it should be. :D


If you truely carry them, they will show the use.

I'm just waiting for the "here's my gun, fashlight, and folding combat knife" pictures folks seem to be so fond of posting. To top it off, some folks place ammo around the gun. :barf:


New member
Hey jtb1967,

You got that right. I'm also always impressed when they stick in their money clip with a roll of hundreds too. :rolleyes:


New member
...I'm just waiting for the "here's my gun, fashlight, and folding combat knife" pictures folks seem to be so fond of ...

Dont forget the watch.

My carry gun looks brand new still. Its only been about a year, and I take meticulus care of it. No sense in a pic...besides, I cant find my knife


New member
OK, so here's my "travel carry" or secondary carry. It's a Gabilondosy Urresty .32 Auto. A little history, they were originally made by a Spanish company for the French Army prior to WWI and meant as an officer's sidearm. This one I put somewhere between 1908 and 1910. I got her originally from a friend because she "wouldn't work"---free-bee. Well, I got her home, stripped her down to the bare guts, cleaned her up real good, and she's fired like a champ ever since. She's just a little thing, so mainly just a last resort back-up since my standard carry is my SW 40VE. But still effective enough to trust if I had to rely on her to perform.

The S&W just looks too new to be in this catagory, but you all know what they look like anyway.

OH, and since knives were brought up... Couldn't resist. :D Not a folder, but a genuine combat knife without a doubt. You won't get this K-bar in the local Army Surplus, it's a little older and much more "experienced". No, it's not one of my carry weapons, but it's accompanied me on more outings than I can count.


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New member
Reality Check

I'm new to this forum but want to thank you for broaching a good point. If you are really going to carry a weapon concealed most of the's not going to stay in brand new condition. Besides just the everyday dings theres the shooting the begeebers out of it every few weeks to make sure you still know how to use it.

Once the blue starts wearing off, she starts to grow in character.


New member

Then all we would have seen was empty chambers... not those nice jacketed hollow points...

Unloaded guns are a lot more dangerous than loaded ones....


Wouldn't it have been better if he'd unloaded the gun before taking the pictures??

Then it wouldn't have been without even wiping the lint off like he said. ;)

(Gun not safe, People safe. Don't try this at home kids!)



And some have asked, no, the camera didn't put on the "film" or grim that is shown on the gun. This is what the gun looks like after being handled for a week. I wipe it down every saturday. So, like XB's, lint and all :D.
