Carry Concealed With or with-out a Holster?

How do you carry a Concealed Weapon?

  • Always carry with a holster.

    Votes: 92 66.7%
  • Never carry with a holster.

    Votes: 9 6.5%
  • Depends on what I am wearing.

    Votes: 30 21.7%
  • Depends on where I am going.

    Votes: 7 5.1%

  • Total voters

Uncle Buck

New member
Short story: I was at an auction the other day and there is a pest I see there often. He has a crush on my wife and her sisters and takes the time to track me down if I am there and tells me how beautiful she is and then proceeds to go on about Philippine women he has dated. He is a tad stranger than most, harmless, but strange.

During our conversation he mentions he was looking for .32 cal ammo. He showed me a concealed weapon that he carries in the inside pocket of his coat. Another man joined in and mentioned he was carrying also. He showed us a .380 he had in his coveralls. It progressed from there and at least several others showed off their concealed carry pistols. None of them were in a holster.

Is this common practice? (Apparently among this crowd it is.)
Is it safe? (Never had an accident at this auction site.)

So my question is this: How many of you would conceal carry with-out a holster?


New member
I voted always. Anytime I have my gun out of the house, it's holstered.

However, there has been a few times around the house (taking the trash out, etc) when I have slipped one in a jacket pocket sans one in the chamber. I don't think those times really count. It's not like I'm "Plaxin it".
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New member
I carry in my strong side front pocket. For years I carried a P3AT without a holster and it was always full of lint and the finish of the pistol was being polished off. It was also wearing holes in my pocket. I switched over to a pocket holster a couple years ago and it has made a big difference in the cleanliness and appearance of my pistol. I've got a couple snub S&W and I sometimes carry them in a back pocket without a holster, using a Barami Hip-Grip, while I'm here on the homestead. Overall, I think a holster is best.
Is this common practice? (Apparently among this crowd it is.)
Sadly, it is.

Is it safe? (Never had an accident at this auction site.)
No, it isn't. But refer back to point #1. Chances are, the folks doing it have a lax attitude about safety in the first place.

90% of the people I see who think it's OK to whip out a loaded gun and "show" it to people at a gun range aren't carrying in holsters.

The trigger guard is not covered. Retention is questionable at best. The gun is going to shift position in the belt or pocket, meaning that there's a good chance the finger is going to contact the trigger during the draw.
90% of the people I see who think it's OK to whip out a loaded gun and "show" it to people at a gun range aren't carrying in holsters.

or around a campfire, while riding down a bumpy road on a kubota, etc.

agree with this point.

Mr. James

New member
Always in a holster. In the extremely rare instances where I'm using some form of off body carry (okay, dammit, a fanny pack!), it's still holstered therein.

I get a tad nervous when folks I either don't, or barely, know start volunteering their sidearms to me for inspection. Keep that damned thing where it belongs.


Always in a holster. It must stay put.

Oddly enough though, I have carried my CA Bulldog in and out of a holster and I like it better sans holster in my back pocket. This is the only gun I would carry without a holster.

Searching for just the right holster for a particular gun is bittersweet. It's great to finally find the one, but that drawerful of unused holsters makes me go Doh!

It seems to me that holster/no holster is sterotypical? Good guys / bad guys, yes-no. BG's don't use holsters because thyey might have to ditch it.

The Great Mahoo

New member
Always use a holster. They keep the gun secure where they should be, rather than allowing them to wander about. Also, they should cover the trigger guard, protecting against something manipulating the trigger on accident.

Even a simple nylon holster for ~$15-25 will do the trick.

Be safe!


New member
Always in a holster.
Though you wouldn't know it from my pocket gun since the holster stays in the pocket if the gun is drawn.


New member
I always find it funny that people that whip out several hundreds on gun and 20-30 bucks on box of ammo wouldn't spend 40-50 bucks on quality holster.

Doc Intrepid

New member
(Scratches head...) I mostly carry firearms in a pocket, but in a pocket holster. Sometimes the holsters come sewn into the pockets, and sometimes I use something like a Galco or DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster.
I have never subscribed to pocket carry, with or without a pocket holster.

I have at least 2 different style of holsters for each hangdun I own, and they're all mostly OWB, leather with thumb breaks. I do have a couple of Kydex and nylon, but mostly leather.


New member
I have a buddy who carried his Glock 26 (empty chamber) behind his back with no holster...

It bothered me so much that I finally just made him a holster ...


Now if I could just convince him to keep one in the pipe :)


New member
Post #4 nailed it. Holsterless carry is inherently unsafe, and a foolish thing to do, but a lot of people do it anyway.



New member
Not normally without a holster but... On the occasion I will just throw one in a coat pocket while going to the barn and certain other things around the house :eek:. No way in public or any real activities.
