Carried for the first time today


New member
I carried for the first time today. I don't have a carry gun for me, but felt that danger was possible, so I borrowed hubby's big gun and fanny pack.

Danger? I was helping a friend pack to leave her verbally-abusive, adulterous husband. Though he was supposed to be at work, I didn't want to experience an escalation of abuse caused by my presence helping her leave.

Lessons learned: 1) My hubby's Beretta 92FS is big and heavy. Someday *mine* will definately be smaller.

2) It's awkward bending over and packing moving boxes while carrying in a fanny pack in front. Slid it around to the back a couple of times.

3) My caution was good. While my friend's husband didn't actually come home, he did drive by, see my car, call her and ask who was over at the house.

At church on Sunday, a fellow with a prison ministry took the pulpit. If my hubby got the story straight (I was home with sick children), the minister said that in abusive situations, 80% of the time when the lady leaves, she ends up dead. I communicated this to my friend and encouraged her to pursue self-defense measures. She took me rather seriously. I pray she is able to make the time and money to pursue my suggestions.



New member
I applaud your wise precaution and am glad to hear that you didn't have to use the gun. I am pleased to hear that you intend to get your own CCW soon. The more armed honest citizens there are, the safer all honest citizens will be.

I hope your friend takes your advice and seeks some sort of security, though a gun might not be a good idea for her at this time unless she is absolutly certain she could pull the trigger at the moment of truth.



New member
tstr, thanks for your kind words. You make a good point about actually pulling the trigger and not waffling at the moment of truth. I will make that plain if our conversations on the matter should continue.

Lest a friendly LEO misunderstand, let me clarify . . . I *have* a CCW--the actual permit. So I was legal to carry concealed. I do not yet have a handgun I can call mine.


Kentucky Rifle

New member
Congratulations on your clear thinking and the decision to obtain your CCW. My wife Nancy, got her CCW about a year ago. I told her that I would buy her any pistol that felt good in her hand and that she would practice with. She chose a Taurus Total Titanium .38 Special in "spectrum blue". It's a light, very durable little pistol. She mostly carries it in a concealment purse, but she has a Galco hip pouch also that she uses when she walks for exercise.
I think my wife is one of those "natural shots" you hear about sometimes. She's far more accurate with a snub than I've ever been. We went to the rifle range at Ft. Knox and she set up a target at 25 yards. Just as easy as pie, she put all five shots in the center of the target. My jaw was on the ground!


Mendacity is the system we live in.

Gopher .45

New member
Good for you!!!

Now take the time so select a weapon appropriate for you and an appropriate way to carry it. No offense to your hubby, but don't let him select it for you. If you want his input because he may have a better knowledge of guns, then ask for a few suggestions, then go look without him. Maybe have him there for the final purchase, but of a gun that suits you. We husbands can be pushy about what we think our wives should have (me included, hence my concern). I was surprised when mine picked a full-sized .45!

Glad you have a permit, now take the time to make it effective.


New member
Not to worry, I know better than to pick a gun for my wife.

1) She knows about as much about guns as I do.
2) She will certainly want the gun that suits her best.
3) Who knows, she may want a full-size .45! A Kimber, maybe?

Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked.
Nehemiah 4:17,18