Carbon 15 Pistol?

I've been looking to buy a Bushy Carbon 15 Pistol, specifically the Type 97S. I'm not sure if this is in the rifle or pistol category, but can one attach a Telestock to a Carbon 15 "Pistol?"


New member
The short answer is no. Going into it you would need to make mods to the reciever and then also you would have to the get the stamp for it. would be a short barrled rifle. though if I am not wrong, once regestered as a pistol you can not make into a rifle. The pistol purposfully does not have threads on lower to keep in compliance with the feds.

Hope that helps
Aim straight and have fun


New member

I've got one and I love it. You can dump 30 rounds down the pipe in less than five seconds. (If you drink a LOT of coffee, maybe even faster!)

The original Carbon 15 Pistols, both Type 21 and Type 97, had a feed ramp problem which prevented them from feeding hollow and soft points. Basically, the rounds would slam into the carbon fiber just below the dual feed ramps and jam.

Bushmaster promptly fixed it under warranty. All they did was to mill "feed ramps" into the carbon fiber, effectively extending the steel feed ramps down into the fiber.

This fix solved two problems: The first is that it will now eat about any ammunition type. The second is that it will ALSO use a 20 or 30 round magazine without jammimg. (The jamming issue using the higher capacity magazines was directly related to the feed ramp issue, also.)

Bushmaster tells me that they are fairly certain there are no distributors with the older Carbon 15 pistols in stock. So, anything you buy should have the feed ramp design flaw fixed.

By the way, I do not like the newest version; the one with the barrel shroud. It will doubtless let you hang on to the barrel while firing, thus getting around the need for the foregrip, which would put it in the "AOW" (Any Other Weapon) BATF category and is thus a no-no for Bushmaster, but it looks hokey to me.

Here is a picture of mine. I call her Little Missy. She ain't the prettiest girl in town, but man can she rock and roll!

For some reason you may want to shoot it at 100 yards. Just stick a good dot on it! That 7.25" barrel and 5.56mm or .223 round is great for 100 yard shooting . . . from a rest, of course!

And, you will need SERIOUS ear protection. Little Missy is louder than my fifty caliber Desert Eagle.

--seal killer


New member
Finally got mine. I love it..... A search in the forums for "Pistol = short barreled rifle " Should yield a resulting thread with most of the details concerning your question. Highly recomend getting one though. If you think a .44mag rocks, this'll blow your socks off!


New member
not yet......well there's one with some other guns in the "list your semi autos" thread in the semi auto forum...... I have since got the accessory rail for the top and put a Hakko Bed 34 on it........Very pretty!


New member

Do you know how many of us out there own these totally impractical guns? NOT MANY! So, that makes us a "brotherhood!" Therefore, you OWE me some pictures! I NEED to hear all about your experiences, good, bad, and ugly. I especially want to hear about issues involving firing ball, hollow point, and soft point ammunition.

The Carbon 15 Pistol is an awesome firearm. It is super-light (2.88 pounds, empty). It has slight recoil, but that recoil is extremely sharp, so make sure that Hakko is bolted down very well. My Beamshot laser would simply not stay in one place with a single Bushmaster mount. I had to stick two on it and then put black electrician's tape between the mount and the laser to keep it from moving backward from the sharp recoil. (However, all my red dots stayed right where I bolted them on top of that rail . . . which original Bushmaster advertising implied was included with the pistol.)

If you have already shot it, you already know about the noise. Unfortuneately, I heard it ONE TIME unprotected. My ears HURT for two days. Eventually, my hearing returned. Those cheap Peltor 30db ear muffs are the only way to go.

Of course, you have to get someone to take a video clip with a digital camera! That is the only way to capture those "major flammage" still pictures! I have a lot if you want to see some.

Have fun and make SURE everyone has good ear protection!

--seal killer
ps Get used to using that red dot from a rest at 25 yards and then back up to 100! You will be very pleased with the results!
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