Car panic alarm button


New member
I heard a noise that sounded like it came from my garage last night. It's attached to the house, and I was pretty sure I had all of the doors locked.

Well, I grabbed my .38 to investigate, but to turn on the lights in the garage, I would have had to open up the inside door and stick my arm out there to reach the switch.

So, it occured to me (in one of my rare lucid moments at 3AM) to grab my keys and go to the bedroom directly above the garage. I pressed the button on the "dongle" which set off the panic alarm, flashing the lights and sounding the horn on the car before I ventured out there. It turned out to be nothing (something fell off a shelf in the basement), but it was a quick-and-easy way to scare the beejeebers out of someone had they been in there.


New member
Seems like a sound tactic. I don't have the convienence of an enclosed garage but I do have an alarm on my truck. If you don't want to make as much noise, almost any home improvement store will have a book on basic home wiring. Wire a switch for your garage light inside your house.


I put a motion sensor with a timer on the light in my garage. I did it so that the garage would light up when I pulled in and stay that way while I carried stuff into the house. However, now that I think about it an intruder would have set it off also.

I think I got the thing at Home Depot, it just replaced the regular toggle switch. I also put one in the hall between my garage and kitchen. Again the idea was to not have to find a switch with my hands full, but the intruder sensor feature would have been a nice by product. Of course I had two jack russel terrors so they would annoy any intruder to death before I would have even been able to respond.

The Tourist

I always like to enjoy a little humor. I'm thinking about simply posting a sign above my Harley:

Mr. Burglar, this motorcycle is owned by a Sicilian club member.

Who's going to hunt you down? Family, or friends?

The thought of it always makes me laugh...


New member
I simply converted my motorcycle to a Jockey-Shifter/Foot-Clutch system...

nobody can figure out how to drive it, so I can leave the keys in it and nobody takes it...

As for the other vehicles... good luck... find the hidden kill-switches, put them in the right positions, and you can have the things...


New member
I back my truck up to the house at night so the headlights point down the driveway. The spotlights cover the entrances, and if something alerts my dogs, I hit the unlock button for the truck, which turns on the headlights and illuminates the portion of the driveway neer the house.


New member
Idea for scooter owners - seat protector, made of heavy duty leather, with a chain attachment that padlocks to the bike. Have the leather full of those '80s one inch stainless steel spikes. Pointing up. All over.


New member
I have a long U lock that I put around the clutch-brake-throttle of my jeep. It would make for some FUNNY gettaway driving :D

..and a fuel pump kill switch in a hidden location..

I suppose should a thief try starting my Jeep, the starter would wake me up...and I would have a very expensive detailing bill for my jeep the next day..:barf:


New member
my old tactic was to just have a truck that nobody would want to steal. but since I got my '84 blazer wich is much nicer and very easy to steal I have to be more careful.