Can't Wait to shoot it!!!!!


New member
A few weeks ago I picked up a Winchester Model 70 in .243 to shoot coyotes and just have fun. It is a post 64 (manufacture date 94-95 according to the serial number). It came with a composite factory stock.

Well the Federal and Prvi ammo results were disappointing. So I got a set of dies and a modified case so I could check chamber length and loaded few rounds. The results were better but still not what I was expecting.

I checked with some knowledgeable folks that visit here and learned that the stock probably should be glass bedded to really improve things. My research in this area led me to question my ability to do that job so I did the next easiest thing.

Today I received and installed a new Hogue pillar bedded stock for the rifle. The action and barrel dropped right into the stock and it fit like a glove. The free floating on the barrel is perfect and the rifle shoulders and points like a dream.

Hopefully the rain will go away and I can try some more of my reloads and find those 1" or less groups I am looking for.:D

A big thank you to Wyosmith and others on this forum for all their help.

Hopefully I can post pics of the rifle and some targets over the weekend.


New member
Well, I had a short window to shoot today. I didn't want to shoot my loads without my buddy's chrono to check them. So, got out a box of the Prvi 90 gr that I bought mostly for the brass. With the old stock they shot about 1.5 inches. Today, with the new stock, drum roll please, 0.6 the first 3 down the barrel:D:D:D:D

Considering the loose nut behind the trigger, I am thrilled. Another bonus was the new stock reduced the felt recoil by 1/2. Hopefully next weekend will be equally nice so my shooting buddy can come over and we can chrono and check the groups with the handloads.