Can't Kill

roy reali

New member
The wolf thread here has made me post this question. Is there any animal that you just couldn't shoot? I mean legal game or unprotected vermin. I know guys that bird hunt but will not shoot deer. Even amongst bird hunters there are some species that some guys can't or won't shoot.

I realize that this is an emotional topic. In a way it is silly. But us humans are emotional creatures and that often interferes with logic. I doubt if I could shoot a wolf. They are too close to being like domestic dogs for me. If I saw a wolf attacking a person or my dog was about to become a snack, yes, I would pull the trigger. But, if I saw a wolf standing in the open, minding its own business, I don't know if I could kill him. If I see a jackrabbit, I have no qualms about blasting it. Feral cats, no mercy there. I guess I just have a soft spot for canines.

Is there an animal that you can't bring yourself to kill?


New member
My answer to this question is I can kill anything that I have to for survival, but don't like to kill anything for the fun of killing. I do kill for food and wildlife control.


New member
Humans make me feel like no other animal and have been spared the problem of having to pull the trigger a few different times being it worked out without shots fired. I have thought a few different times about other animals simply because I have had freinds say I do not have any interest in shooting a certian type of animal but have not come up with any other then the human kind for me.


New member
Besides the obvious like a Bald eagle or Condor, I dont think I could kill any bird of prey, even a hawk or vulture, maybe its just respect for another predator. I also wouldnt shoot a mountain lion or wolf unless it was attacking someone (then again who is it attacking) Same reasoning.

My friend wont shoot a big buck, but he will shoot a doe without a second thought. I guess everyone has their reasoning.

I think everyone would shoot a boar.


New member
"I will never kill a girraffe.I watched a big game hunter on TV do it and it made no sense to me at all."

I agree with that but I assumed we meant animals we see locally, I coudnt even shoot an exotic or endangered, makes no sense. I would hunt anything if I needed food,m but thankfully we arent in a society where we have to deal with that. Yet.


New member
i would only shoot an animal that i can rabbit, squirrel and deer.. i would shoot an animal if it were going to attack me or loved one..... hopefully I would never have to shoot any member of the tiger family... im kind of partial to the big cats...


New member
Elephant, Funny but I am probably most fascinated by the guns that where created to hunt them. I have nothing against those that do, and thank goodness or them or the guns I admire so much wouldnt exist.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
For me, the broad generalization is that if I'm not gonna eat it, I'm not gonna kill it. If some species happens to be a problem for my normal activities, I'm willing to kill. Predators on my chickens/sheep/cattle, for instance. Feral cats and dogs as non-native predators on native wildlife.

But I don't get upset about armadillos digging in the lawn.

For me, then, my rather small dab of "bloodlust" is easily satisfied. The occasional coyote, when the local population is getting a bit big and they go to competing with me for quail. The key word is "occasional". Or a prairie dog hunt, since there's no way a guy with a rifle can seriously affect the population--and they are indeed pests for farmers and ranchers.

Varmint hunters kill a few furry animals. Politicians kill entire countries.


Staff In Memoriam
I would never travel the world in search of a hunt. I will hunt any and all game available to me at one time or another for one reason or other. The rabbits me and lil miss.hogdogs shoot get fed to dogs and the 1-2 tree rats per week are for the snake. Feral non natives are on the top of my "HIT LIST" and buddy it is a hit list to be sure! I will flat spot a set of new tires to get a shot at a loose tabby cat!
Dillars only bug me in the woods where I control hogs and always try to get permission to get out thinning them as the colonies when thick are ideal to break my ankle in their holes.
No off-limits wildlife are interesting to me.


New member
You know.. I've often wondered about deer hunting. I tried it once and was bored to tears. I've done a lot of hunting over the years.......... quail, grouse, pheasant, squirel, rabbit but have never understood the logicof deer hunting. My buddies declare they just love fresh venison. I say that is bs. For what they spend to get at most 150lb of venison I can get a s---load of of the best ribeye... which is WAY better. So.... again I don't understand the logic.


New member
Oh yeah.... since I absolutely love dogs I could never shoot one unless it was hurting someone who hadn't provoked it or it was suffering needlessly. Also, anything that resembled a dog.... wolf, coyote, etc.


Staff In Memoriam
There are far too many venison eaters that will turn down a 2 pound beef ribeye for a 3/4 pound venison steak! Apples and oranges! Totally different flavors for different palettes. Even a farm raised family steer which is far better tasting than feedlot beef is not preferred by many. I personally like a good piece of venison but my weakness is frogs... I will eat fryed frogs over any cut of beef any day!


New member
Yeah... like froglegs too. Pop those with a little single shot 22 with flashlight taped to barrell.... but still prefer cornfed Limousine ribeyes (better than Angus BTW)


Staff In Memoriam
I fry the whole frogs. Shoulder,front legs, back and rib meat is as good or better then the back legs.:D


New member
I'll shoot anything I can eat, anything that is a threat and anything that is a nuisance. Like a armadillo, beaver, or skunk.

Is there anyone who wouldn't shoot a coyote?


Staff In Memoriam
Catfish, Roy has started the thread by saying all canines get a "soft spot pass"...
I am sure there are many of us with one "special critter"... I would need a real big reason to shoot a nuisance river otter...

Flat Tire

New member
The deal with the Idaho wolf is he has free reign. No one is hunting him and he has been protected. It has made for a scary situation. He is not a dog in his behavior. He does what he wants when he wants and the humans are told to stand aside and watch.

I stopped hunting deer and elk years ago, but this is different. You need to see this in person to make your mind up. He is the gray wolf, the big one, and when you see a group of 8 or 10 walking up a ridge in the city limits, it makes you think different. I have friends that have never hunted and now they own rifles. It is a fear based topic, but it is a real fear .