Can't decide which I need more


New member
I can't decide which gun I need to add to my collection first. I hope to be buying a Mini-14 Tactical soon. If I am lucky, I will be able to add a pistol to the collection at the same time!!! I can't decide if I need a 1911 or 44mag revolver more. (Heck, I may even surprise myself and get another long gun instead of either.) Between the two which should I get next? I'm thinking the revolver because I only have two and nothing in a large bore in the collection.


New member
I am all for 1911's but, a .44 revolver would be nice too! I personally would lean towards the 1911. You can never go wrong with a 1911.


New member
Yeah I know but I have several semi-autos already BUT no collection is complete without one! Equally, it doesn't get much cooler than a 44 mag!
See my problem??? I'm going to the toy store later to try on a few things! Will keep you informed.

Also, suggest any other must have items or funguns you can think of between now and then.


New member
The 44 mag is too loud. You should have a 1911, but if that's not next for you, how about a 6-shooter chambered in 45 ACP or 45 Colt? Either DA or Single Action.


New member
Already have a beautiful SS New Vaquero in .357 (which perhaps needs a twin and adds ANOTHER to the list BUT it will wait for now.) Good suggestion on the SA though, maybe a SBH in 44mag???????

The only wheelgun in .45acp that I would really want is one of the Jerry Miculek PC models. However, I don't have/want to spend that much money on one now. Besides, if I bought one and didn't INSTANTLY become as good as him when I opened the box, I would be heartbroken. :(

I know that his personal gun is EVEN more worked over than even the "regular" PC guns but it would be like I kid with a Tony Hawk skateboard or Derek Jeter baseball glove. If the equipment is better than the player it's one less excuse for you. And who doesn't want an excuse for not putting every shot through the same spot on a target.

We all KNOW for CERTAIN that if WE had Jerry Miculek's S&W revolver or Rob Leatham's SA 1911 that WE would be JUST skilled. (Not to EVEN MENTION our wives and girlfriends would become as hot as Jessie Abbatte in yer Glock uniform.);) It's a fact! Why try to disprove something we all know to be so real in our hearts?????


Active member
Just stuff a couple of wads of $100 bills in your pocket, attend the next gunshow in your area and whatever you bring home will give you your answer.

That's what I do, anyway.:D


New member
Well, I was of the "every collection needs a 1911" school of thought ... until I bought one. It wasn't "top end," but it was a nice one: a SA 1911-A1. I shot it fine, but it never really lit my fire. Eventually sold it, with no regrets.

On the other hand, I have found .44 mag revolvers addicting--even more so now that I've started reloading for them. If you like single actions, can't beat the Ruger Blackhawk or Super Blackhawk. I picked up a second hand SBH for a song, and then did my own Bisley conversion. It's one of my favorite range guns, even with new shooters, and especially with .44 special-velocity reloads.

If you like DAs, there are many options. I'm partial to the 5.5" Redhawk. But I also like the S&W 629. So if it were me, I'd go with the .44!
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New member
I guess, you need to figure out what calls out to you most.
After a lot of years of pistol shooting, these days my collection is coming down to 1911s and S&W revolvers...because that is what wiorks for me.



New member
Get a .44 revolver and bunch of reloading equipment. Picking up brass sucks..

If you have your basic HD & SD needs covered, it's time for a "fun gun" like a big-bore .44 or .45 revolver


New member
Well, I decided to get a Sig 556 in lieu of the Mini-14. This cut into the 2nd gun budget. Right now the 3 fun gun choice are a SBH, SA GI or Stoeger Coach gun. We'll have to see.

chris in va

New member
FWIW, my coworker just sold his Ruger 44mag after ~200 rounds. He said it's just a range toy and not a very pleasant one at that. I suggested he use 44 special rounds, to which he shrugged and said, "in that case I might as well get a 45acp".

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Don't get a 1911. The recoil will almost tear your arm off. :D

Or so I was told by two guys who shot them in the Army way back when.

Oh, wait - I shot 150 rounds through mine a few weeks ago and still have my arm.

I vote 1911 because you can use it for competitions. A 44 could be used for Cowboy but you might need two?


New member
Legionnaire said:
Well, I was of the "every collection needs a 1911" school of thought ... until I bought one. It wasn't "top end," but it was a nice one: a SA 1911-A1. I shot it fine, but it never really lit my fire. Eventually sold it, with no regrets...

Wow! I have always thought that every collection DID need a 1911. I kept thinking that I would have to break down and spend the $800+ to get a good example of one. But after reading your post maybe I don't have to have one after all. I guess I can now go get an AR or M-4 type rifle and not feel bad about not having the consumate handgun, the 1911... Thanks.

(...not being facetious here.)


New member
You need to shoot one before you decide. Some people swear by them, and I rarely hear any one swear at them. They are good guns and I'm happy to have had one; but I found I prefer revolvers as range guns, and I have other semi-autos I like better than the 1911 platform for carry. Just sharing my experience; YMMV.


New member
Wow. Tough choice. I have both. My personal preference for everyday is my Colt Commander in .45 ACP and my rough country backup when fishing and hunting is a worked over Ruger Redhawk in 44 Magnum. I like DA revolvers and the Redhawk will handle Garret Hammerhead ammo for aggressive critters. (2-legged or 4-legged)


New member
Wait a few months

It might be nice to wait until Springfield, Colt, Kimber, Para, who ever comes out with a 100th birthday model of a 1911. Nothing wrong with a nice 44 mag, but I'd rather have a little more collectible special 1911. Food for thought :D


New member
you learn. You grow. I never used to be interested either, in .45 or .44 Special. Now they're my favorites.

Being a lefty the 1911 still gives me less than ideal ergonomics, but I'd rather that than some plastic thing.

For that I have a P99 in .40S&W. .45 needs a 1911 platform.

Big fat slow bullets that don't go supersonic and don't flash-bang indoors like the magnums and little hypersonics. Yeah, that's the ticket.


New member
It might be nice to wait until Springfield, Colt, Kimber, Para, who ever comes out with a 100th birthday model of a 1911. Nothing wrong with a nice 44 mag, but I'd rather have a little more collectible special 1911.
Do collectors edition guns have any extra value? Would you feel guilty about wearing out a collectible gun? I actually don't think too many people collect "Collectors Edition" guns.


I think the 44mag would be more logical, because you can shoot 44spl to, which is similar to a 45acp round for power, against BGs without over penetration, and use 44mag against bigger animals.