Can't Decide between revolver and auto


New member
Ok so i have this problem this coming friday i am buying a new gun i am topping myself at $550 but if something really really nice comes up for up to 650 im up for it. I have looked at a smith &wesson 637 which i like alot but some people have said that it is not very much fun to shoot because of its light weight. I do ccw so take that into consideration with your ideas. I also would like a new auto i already have two, i was thinking maybe a baby glock or p99 compact i think i want something in 40 45 or 45gap. Thanks in advance for any input.


New member

you should get the glock in .40 it would be youe best bet it is the best for the money and extremely reliable it will never fail you.
as always make sure you get high cap mags.
o .40cal will big enough .45 for a ccw gun is a little to big.
i have both and i can get more shot off with the quicker with the .40
than the .45 good luck :cool:


New member
Why do you have to buy your gun on friday? Since you can't make up your mind between the revolver or semi-auto then you really need to spend some time deciding what you really want. Otherwise you could just be wasting money. There should be no reason to rush your purchase.


New member
If you have 650 bucks for a gun, . . . spend the first 50 on rentals of the ones you think you might like.

Sickone gave you his opinion, . . . others will give you theirs, . . . but in the end it is you who has to carry and use whatever you buy. Buying something because someone touts it is asking for a bad experience.

Find out what you shoot best with, . . . are most comfortable with, . . . etc. before you buy.

I wouldn't personally give anyone a dime for a 10mm or a .40 that I had to carry, . . . but then again, . . . that's my opinion.

May God bless,


New member
My vote goes to the baby Glock. I avoid lightweight guns for the very reason you mention - it's unpleasant to shoot. However, if carry is all you want to do, it should be fine, but I do love to have a little fun. Only change I'd make is the caliber, I prefer the 9mm Glock 26 since the ammo is cheaper.

P.S. If you prefer a revolver - I'd recommend the S&W 60 2", 649/640 or the SP101 2" DAO or S/DA. All should absorb the recoil nicely (SPs more so in magnum loads) and are great carry choices. I have the SP DAO myself and the model 60.

chris in va

New member
As with any sport I've ever done, my best advice is to...

Demo demo demo.

Try out a LOT of guns, and don't just shoot 10 rounds through each either. All my CCW's are semis, but you may enjoy revolvers better.


New member
well the reason i am waiting till friday is becasue thats pay day. Also i have wanting a revolver for about half a year now. I have looked at the sp101 in 357mag seems like a decent gun for the price but i dont like the grip on it i think it looks awkward, but hey thats just my opinion. I already have a bersa 380 and a 9mm sigma, so if i got a semi i would want to go bigger the bersa carries very well the sigma on the other hand... well lets just say i like taking it stump huntin' thats just about all. Does anyone know what the baby glocks are like as far as recoil in 357sig that seems loke a very different round that seems like maybe it should be more common but i have yet to shoot anything in 357sig so also any inout on that would be great.


New member
Given you're in PA, I have to repeat what everyone else is saying, and rent first... especially for CCW guns.

But if CCW isn't the primary consideration, I'd get the revolver to round out your collection since you've already got two autos. I'd take it a step further and wait for your next paycheck to come around and trade-in the Sigma towards another auto that you'd really like... there's no point in suffering a disappointment in your collection.


New member
I would think a Glock .40, .45 acp, or .45 GAP would come at under $550 and a S & W 686 4" can be had for about that new.
