Can't believe I sold a gun


New member
So I broke my rule of never selling a gun because I knew I would regret it afterwards but a friend needed some fast cash for rent and the only way I could help her was sell my Taurus 24/7. It's the only one I could even imagine not owning anymore even though it's been perfect since the day I bought it. I guess I should look on the brightside of things they have a mint Colt Commander for sale at the same shop and I really liked the feel of the Witness .45 they had also. I'm sure in the near future one or both will be in my safe.


New member
You're a real good friend. You'll eventually sell some more later on once your safe gets too full or your house can't fit all the safes. :D Is that a loan or a grant? :D I have cousins that will take advantage of the generosity until I don't have anymore guns to sell :eek: :D josh


New member
If you have the money to buy a new gun, why didn't you just give her cash instead of selling a gun? Sounds like love to me. "Look, I sold one of my beloved guns just for you, because you are so great." :p You're a better friend than me.


New member
I don't have the cash right now for the new guns or her rent that's why I sold my 24/7. And no not love, a serious like maybe, but I wanted her rent to get paid so I don't have to keep hearing "well if you just let me come live with you" I don't need that drama, she is quite unstable and bordering on stalker but still a good friend and I try to help when I can. Her brother has cancer and her money has gone to help him so this was a no brainer but still depressing as I lost one of my babies today.:(


New member
I'm not a shrink, but I feel that......

If you want to keep her, then fine, help her out.

But if want to be rid of her, don't make her dependent on you.

I'll bet this will raise the cackles of some do-gooders.


New member
Sounds like a load of trouble to me.....

She's got you by more than the wallet.... and it won't get better.


New member
For the gun, I don't like to sell them either, but some fo them asked for it.

For the girl, I got mixed up with one for two years and that was over 12 years ago. I still have nightmares about her finding me, but I asked for it.:rolleyes:


New member
And no not love, a serious like maybe, but I wanted her rent to get paid so I don't have to keep hearing "well if you just let me come live with you" I don't need that drama, she is quite unstable and bordering on stalker but still a good friend and I try to help when I can.

RUN BOY!!! RUN!!! I understand that you want to be a good friend but things like "I don't need that drama, she is quite unstable and bordering on stalker" are not good signs ;)

but why did you sell a gun? you could've found something of hers to pawn or something to pay her rent...maybe she just said that so she could live with you? That sure does bring back nighmares :eek:


Aw now you done gone and set a bad precedent with her. Theres a saying something along the lines of...'Never try to impress a girl in the courting stage, if it turns out to be more then she'll expect you to keep it up for the rest of your life!' :D

OTOH, if you did it so she wouldn't have to move in with you...maybe you showed a profit after all in the deal.:D

Eric M.

New member
Run Packa!!!!!!RUNNNnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!

Eric:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
Packa45, I feel ya' brotha! I've been in a very similar situation! (although it wasn't a gun but a guitar...A custom made, mother of pearl inlayed, vintage humbucker Les Paul!!!)
In a world where everyone wants to be a "PUA" and never a "AFC", I commend you for just being a good guy!

And to help you through this I will offer that you just keep telling yourself that the 24/7 "had too much over travel anyway!!!"

I believe that an investment in people yields many more rewards than and investment in metal! (no I'm not talking about booty!!!)

Good on you!



New member
so I don't have to keep hearing "well if you just let me come live with you" I don't need that drama, she is quite unstable and bordering on stalker

WHOA!!! I'd get out of that relationship as quick as I could. Too bad you had to sell a handgun, but that sounds like a relationship you'd probably best put the kaibosh on promptly. :eek:


New member
aw come on, selling a gun isn't all that bad at least it's a replacable one. I sell guns all the time!! That gives me an reason to upgrade! the trouble is, I think I still buy more than I sell.( ok not realy a bad thing)


New member
NEVER sell a GUN when the word "STALKER" is part of your world. PLUS....the STLKER is the one you disarmed yourself to become MORE entangle with....WOOOZER. She is either DAMN HOT or it's been a LOOOOOOONG time.

P.S. Get a BIG stick at least


I'll keep vulgarity down so I'll say she better be paying you back with... finish the sentence on your own.

Cash. Anything else would be a bad precedent also. Contrary to popular belief, we men are the commodity and not the women. There's just not enough of us men to go around, supply and demand bro.:D