Cannot find SWAT magazine at 7-11


New member
I have been to many 7-11s near my house and cannot find a single copy of SWAT magazine? Do they no longer carry it?
They do, yes. Here's how it works:
We get into an outlet and start shipping. Each month, as we see the returns, we adjust, increasing some wholesalers and decreasing others. Meantime, the retailers are doing the same thing.

It's all a very frustrating Black Box as I can't even provide you with locations if you give me zips. The wholesalers actually don't release that info to us for fear that we'll sell direct. Medieval? You bet it is. The chain overall is holding well for us, for whatever little that's worth.


New member
I only need one so I can get the subscription card out of it. Does anybody have a subscription card they can send me?
Rich, thanks for the response. I was starting to think it was a conspiracy against SWAT or something.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus

Have you thought of going online to subscribe? Click on the SWAT logo, located at the bottom of every page on TFL.