Canadian Parliament attacked. Watch for gun control coming to an area near you.


New member
I am sure that there will be calls for increased firearms controls in Canada and our government will likely leap aboard in full splendor.

Refer to THIS THREAD about the repeal of C-68. How profound is it that Quebec was the sole province which filed for, and was granted, an injunction against the required destruction of records of registrants? Whether there is a tangible link is dubious.

However, what chance that these attacks would be attempted in a place where firearms are permitted and concealed carry encouraged? A similar attack here would more likely happen in NYC or DC than Boise, ID or SLC, UT. Active shooters usually avoid places with active defenders.


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not enough information at this time for any kind of speculation. We don't know if this was a personal act by deranged individual(s) or a political act by a deranged group.

The only gun mentioned in the linked story is a double barrel shotgun.

this one needs to be on hold, until we know more...
There are already rumblings that the Harper administration was wrong to loosen controls on long guns.

The Atlantic is already doing its best to confuse the issue.

Wednesday's shooting is reported to have involved a long gun, the kind of weapon Adam Lanza used in the 2013 Newtown shooting. It was also the kind of weapon used in the 1989 Montreal Massacre, a shooting in which 14 women were killed at Ecole Polytechnique.

Bear in mind, the "long gun" used in this shooting appears to have been a double-barrel shotgun, not a semiautomatic rifle.

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The photo (blurry) does appear to be a lever gun, based on the shape of the receiver at the rear, with what seems to be a hammer, it fits the shape of the traditional lever rifle.

However, it is blurry, and its from NBC, people who are not well thought of by many of us thanks to their proven past history of mistakes, deliberate distortion and outright lies.

SO, while the photo may be genuine, at this time, for me, its still suspect.

Witness reports (so far) have mentions a double barrel shotgun, one person said something about a double barrel rifle...we have a blurry picture of what appears to be a lever action rifle.

So far, the only thing that is consistent about what gun(s) was used is that it was a "long gun".

The dead shooter has been identified, a Canadian who converted to Islam. Still unclear why. At this time we don't know what he intended. It could hve been a terrorist attack, or it could have been "suicide by cop" Canadian version. We just don't know, and some things we may never know.

One thing I do know, having just read some of the linked articles, the press is talking about "long guns", and making NO OTHER DISTINCTION. They actually said it was the same kind of gun used by Adam Lanza (and they mention other mass shooting as well). I suppose one should not say that is a lie, since both a double barrel shotgun and an AR-15 are "long guns", compared to handguns.

To date, I have seen NO mention of "assault weapons" at all. Of course, most of the things they classify as assault weapons ARE "long guns", so I suppose they will trot out that phrase if they don't get sufficient mileage from "Long guns".

We'll have to wait and see, but I'd say the usual suspects will be going after deer rifles and duck guns again, now.


We'll have to wait and see, but I'd say the usual suspects will be going after deer rifles and duck guns again, now.

If their history of blaming inanimate objects for the actions of evil people continues, then I think we will see that ......


New member
"On Monday, Martin Rouleau, 25 drove his car into two Canadian soldiers, killing one, in a Quebec parking lot."

"Canadian officials first identified the gunman ... as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32."

I think I have discovered the common link. It is people with names ending in "eau" that are the problem.


New member
Funny they haven't banned cars yet.

Just goes to show evil people will use whatever they can get to accomplish their ends!

So Canada how's that gun control working out?



New member
I always thought the terrorists missed the boat by using bombings, because if terrorists concentrated more on mass shootings, the response by so many in the west will always be that we can fix it by greater retrictions against our ability to defend against such attacks.


New member
Also hear this today in local interviews. Don't know if its true, but the guard at the memorial who was killed did not have any live ammunition, and the Sgt at Arms who killed the gunman had to retrieve his weapon from a locked container in his office, as he was not carrying it.


New member
Even with the strict firearms control in the UK is never stopped terrorists getting firearms that were used to kill people here.
1,000 rifles
2 tonnes of Semtex
20-30 heavy machine guns
7 Surface-to-air missiles (unused)
7 flame throwers
1,200 detonators
11 rocket-propelled grenade launchers
90 hand guns
100+ grenades

The IRA's main gun runner in the USA was George Harrison, an IRA veteran, resident in New York since 1938. Harrison bought guns for the IRA from a Corsican arms dealer named George de Meo, who had connections in organised crime. Joe Cahill acted as the contact between NORAID and Harrison. In 1971, the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) had already seized 700 modern weapons from the IRA, including 2 tonnes of high explosive and 157,000 rounds of ammunition, most of which were US made.
The Armalite AR-18 – obtained by the IRA from the US in the early 1970s and an emotive symbol of its armed campaign
Harrison spent an estimated US$1 million in the 1970s purchasing over 2,500 guns for the IRA. According to Brendan Hughes, an IRA member who later became Officer Commanding of the IRA inside Long Kesh prison, the IRA smuggled small arms from America by sea on the Queen Elizabeth II from New York via Southampton, through Irish members of her crew, until the network was cracked down on by the FBI in the 1980s. These Queen Elizabeth II shipments included M16, CAR-15, AR-18 and AR-15 Armalite assault rifles, accompanied by Browning pistols and Smith & Wesson pistols and revolvers and were driven from Southampton to Belfast in small consignments
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New member
More info, just released; this guy was under a firearms prohibition order already (no legal way to own a gun to begin with), he was living at a homeless shelter, he had convictions for bank robbery, and he used a Winchester 94 30-30 lever-action. The ceremonial guards at the War Memorial have C7 rifles (the Canadian version of the M16) but empty magazines, just to make sure no-one "gets hurt". Not that it would have made a difference to Cpl. Cirillo (he was shot in the back), but the other guard might have been able to put this creep down.


New member
I suspect all of us saw some of the video of this incident and especially the audio portion. It sounded like a large number of attackers were firing rapidly inside the Parliament building. However, based on what apparently has been revealed about the attackers weapon it appears most of those shots were from the good guys.


New member
I was driving around this afternoon and caught a top of the hour national news break. The guy said that gun used in this shooting was,"a lever action Winchester shotgun." He should have said it was lever action, automatic Winchester assault shotgun. That way he would have covered all bases.


New member
I think the only long term effect is that guards will be issued ammunition. I watched a film clip about 20 times on CNN and my sole thought was "Why doesn't the guy on the right shoot?".
Also hear this today in local interviews. Don't know if its true, but the guard at the memorial who was killed did not have any live ammunition, and the Sgt at Arms who killed the gunman had to retrieve his weapon from a locked container in his office, as he was not carrying it.

Guards at places such as memorials (here in the US, anyways) are meant to be solely for show and respect, not actual defense guarding. So they don't have real ammo. If they have a sword, it is a ceremonial sword and not a sharpened fighting weapon.

I was driving around this afternoon and caught a top of the hour national news break. The guy said that gun used in this shooting was,"a lever action Winchester shotgun." He should have said it was lever action, automatic Winchester assault shotgun. That way he would have covered all bases.

Well, Winchester does in fact did make lever action shotguns such as the 9410.


New member
I understand that ceremonial guards are unarmed. But doesn't a military uniform make someone a target for a nut job.

Several years ago there was a shooting in a restaurant in Carson City. The gunman targeted National Guardsmen that were in there eating. They were in uniform and they were unarmed. Again, whacko attacks unarmed soldiers.

Maybe something should be changed?


New member
A few hours ago, CBC News positively identified his firearm as a Winchester Model 1894 rifle in .30-30 Winchester.

The report states that Zehaf-Bibeau fired 3 shots at the National War Memorial, which would normally leave him with 4-5 rounds in the rifle. Furthermore, investigators do not believe that he attempted to reload at any point, and they surmise that his apparent decision not to fire at any bystanders may have been intended to conserve ammunition.

[EDIT] Based on what's been reported so far, IMHO Zehaf-Bibeau's actions were likely a combination of a self-guided terror attack and a spectacular instance of Suicide by Cop. It doesn't appear that he genuinely planned to inflict mass casualties, target prominent government officials, or even adequately defend himself. I think his primary goal was simply to be shot dead by LEO's inside the Parliament Building.
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Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Interesting article - thanks for the link.

I wonder if the idea that his attack was limited because of the gun's capacity will enter into the debate of limiting higher capacity magazine availability and AR/AK type guns?

The mantra of modern sporting rifle used by some in the gun industry wouldn't hold up. That's why I always say that argument is a stupid one for the RKBA.


New member
You know it's considered very foolish in the u.s. (and quite illegal) for even ccw to tote around unloaded guns for use as a "scare tactic"or a bluff and when armed guards are present to guard something their guns are loaded and they're not bluffing. Not saying things don't happen here also, not saying they won't, but "armed" guards instead of armed guards?