Canada gun control costs 1 Billion Dollars


New member
Canada gun control costs 1 Billion Dollars

"The original proposal called for set-up and
administration costs of $119 million with most of
that being recovered through registration fees,
leaving a net cost of $2 million."

"Sheila Fraser cited the billion-dollar federal gun registry project as an example of government's
"inexcusable failure" to publicly account for spending. She contended that officials of the program estimate costs will reach $1 billion by 2005 and called it an "astronomical cost overrun" from its original $119 million price tag."


"The report attributed much of the cost overrun to
delays in enacting regulations, to certain provinces and territories opting out of the program, and to "excessive focus on regulation and enforcement of controls." The more than 1,000 changes ordered in the program's computer system were also seen as part of the cause."


Canada continues to wound itself.


New member
Yeah, but when big bro, the USA, is around to foot the bill for the important stuff, you have the time and money to do this kind of stuff. Idle hands and all.

pre-B '75

New member
But the good news is that they'll be able to pay for it through increases in the GST and PST. I think 50% sales tax seems fair enough for all the extra security you'll get. ;)