Can you tell ahead of time?

Can you tell how well you're going to shoot before you start?

  • I can accurately predict my performance before reaching the range.

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • I usually have a good idea how I'm going to do.

    Votes: 35 53.0%
  • I never have a clue whether I'm going to shoot great or poorly.

    Votes: 25 37.9%

  • Total voters


One thing that has always mystified me is that I can't tell ahead of time if I'm going to shoot great or shoot poorly when I head to the range.

I can feel great, think I'm in the groove and get to the range and shoot terribly. Or I can feel cruddy and almost turn around and go back home thinking it's going to be a waste of time only to shoot really well.

Am I alone?


Actually east of the metroplex.

If you know where the Lawson Road Shooting range is, that's close. I can hear it from my house if the wind is right. ;)


New member
I never can tell. I'll fell like im going to and do crappy. I think that if I'm not thinking about, I shoot my best.


New member
I can never tell. Sometimes I shoot worse if I feel ill that particular day, but other than that, it's not very predictable.


New member
In the zone...

Great athletes are said to have great concentration. This is also known as "being in the zone". The average person finds themselves in the zone sometimes. The Lance Armstrongs and Michael Jordans of the world put themselves there at will.

Being in the zone means not worrying about what has already happened or not worrrying about what will happen but "being" in the moment.

You can learn to do this by focusing on calming your breathing, relaxing your mind and be in the moment! A Zen thing...

check out this article...


New member
I'm fairly consistent in my shooting, that level of consistency being mediocre, but it's a consistent mediocrity.:eek: Within a practice I'll have have some really good shots and some not so good shots, but for the most part I'm good enough to hit center mass. No real surprises.

chris in va

New member
I must be lucky. My CZ and I become one at the range and I usually do pretty well.

Now that XD I had, shooweee. Some days I could hit something, others not a chance.


New member

I'm in Mesq. I have been to Lawson several times. Honestly, that lady is a sour grouch. I'm trying another range soon.

Are you in the town of the jackrabbits (statechamps a couple years ago I think)?


New member
Now that I've been shooting for a while, I shoot pretty good. I've noticed now that I've got on a schedule of going shooting every other week, I've become a much better shot. Practice is the only reson I have become better. I'm not a great shooter, but I much more consistant then I used to be.


I've been in that range a couple of times--even bought some ammo there once. But I've never shot there. For some reason I'm always pretty uncomfortable when I walk in. Even though it's the closest range to me, I always shoot other places.


New member
i can ussually tell

Depending on the mood im in.....i can ussaully tell. If i've had a bad day, im tense, and i shoot poorly. If im realxed... im in good shape, thats when im consitant. Its all over if I have drank coffe. Lol


I always shoot the same, with the same flyer in the upper left hand corner :confused: with each gun that I take and fire.

Oh (and I know what it's from), I shoot 1" low so I end up "gutting" the target.

The only one that I'm not sure about is the .22short 5 shot revolver. The barrel is pretty well shot out (I think it was made in the 1920's) so the bullets tend to go where they want, not where I necessarily aim.
