Can You Sell Once Fired Brass?


New member
I was wondering if there was any place to sell once fired brass? I have a bunch of 9mm, .40, and .38 brass and I was hoping to get into reloading but I need to clear some space and right now I don't see reloading equipment in the near future?


New member
Oh yeah! I pick up anything at the ranges to keep them clean. I sort and stash all brass and sell the stuff I don't use! Sold to a few top-notch people in the TFL community and never had an issue!

Lost Sheep

New member

I just can't do it. I am compelled to reload all the brass I can gather up. It's an addiction, I tell you.

Yes, you can sell it. I know of no legal prohibitions against selling or trading brass that has no flammable or explosive ingredients (that is, fired, empty brass, with or without the spent primers in place).

About your comment. "I need to clear some space and right now I don't see reloading equipment in the near future"; not very much space is required, nor expense to reload reasonable amounts of ammunition. My entire loading setup fits in three toolboxes, the largest of which is 23" x 10" x 10", plus a folding workbench (but a coffee table works nearly as well). I don't count my brass tumbler because it is really not necessary. Add two cubic feet storage space for bullets, primers, powder and brass and you can fit the whole shebang in the bottom of closet with a total investment for a first-class setup around $200 to $400, depending on how fast you want to be able to load and for how many calibers.

With a hand press, you can fit all the tools in one toolbox and get by for about $150 plus $40 per additional caliber.

So, keep that in mind as you assess you situation. When your available space improves we'll be here to advise.

Lost Sheep