Can you pocket carry a 21onz snub??


New member
This post maybe a little late since I already ordered the pocket holster. Today I read on tFL that a snub heavier than 16 is not fit for pocket carry, I had not carried in the pocket since I never had the apropiate holster, but now that I sent for it I am afraid I just put my money in the waste basket beacause or what I read.
I own a 21 onz Taurus 851SS, have any of you pocket carried a full steell snub before? any suggestions will be appreciated.

Thank you,

Ben Shepherd

New member
How 'bout a 27oz(empty weight) sp101. Have done it, do it still.

But rather than having it dissapear down in the pocket, I wear it it snug fitting jeans, grip sticking out of the pocket with a cover garment.

If you want it to dissapear into the front pocket of a pair of dress/business type slacks? Over 20 oz., you're pushing it pretty hard.


New member
I haven't carried my 85 for any length of time (thanks, IL :rolleyes: ), only when I'm in the garage at night, but mine tucks quite well into my back pocket with a cheap little Uncle Mike's pocket holster. I'm a decent sized guy, though, so it may be different for a small framed individual.


New member
My snubby (older S&W M60, .38Spl) weighs 19 oz., and carries just fine. Works OK for me. I've carried it on many backpacking trips, and it's still the one I keep close to the bedstand. If I need a firearm, that would be the first one I would grab. I've been shootiing it for 26 years, and I know I can trust it.


New member
Not for me. I bought the Keltec P11 which only weighs about 14 oz, loaded about 21. Most dress pants I find it too heavy. Some shorts with those extra pockets, down below the top pocket are ok, but still tad heavy for me. I wish I had bought the smaller Keltec, or better still the 380 Keltec, although limited in punch, it fits into just about any pocket. This one now resides in my glove compartment while I consider a different pocket


New member
Not for me. I bought the Keltec P11 which only weighs about 14 oz, loaded about 21. Most dress pants I find it too heavy. Some shorts with those extra pockets, down below the top pocket are ok, but still tad heavy for me. I wish I had bought the smaller Keltec, or better still the 380 Keltec, although limited in punch, it fits into just about any pocket. This one now resides in my glove compartment while I consider a different pocket


New member
SP101 in the pocket

As Shepard says "yes you can" In fact, I use the same holster a nylon Passport "inside the pants holster" to do it with and I am of average build and weigh 150.

Shadi Khalil

New member
You can do it but its not fun. I've done it before, for me it was like carrying my cell phone and wallet in one pocket. Very uncomfortable. Get a light weight smith and wesson. The new 340ss has a steel barrel which adds some weight.


New member
You can do it but its not fun.

I'll second that. On occasion I carry my S&W 640 (23 oz.) in a pocket holster, but when I can steal my wife's 340PD (12 oz.), I'll carry that instead. It depends on the fit amd material of the pants I'm wearing. The looser the fit and the softer the material, the more the 640 feels like a cannon in my pocket. However, with jeans, it's not too bad. And when I'm in a dark parking lot at midnight, it feels just fine no matter what pants I'm wearing!

Ben Shepherd

New member
Carried as I mentioned before, with a good belt to keep your pants up is perfectly fine all day, IME. I've actually sewn my pockets off short so the gun can't go in farther than the top/front of the grip.

In a big enough pocket with loose fitting pants, I feel over 20 is a little too heavy.


New member
I did it with a Taurus 445 .44 Special that weighs 28oz unloaded and had no trouble. I did have to wear loose fitting pants though.


New member
I've been carrying a Taurus 650 in my pocket recently and I find it's no big deal. I usually wear 5.11 pants or jeans and always wear a good quality belt. The only problem I've had is one pair of jeans where the pocket is just too tight to allow easy access to the grip, but I'd have the same problem regardless how much the gun weighed.


New member
I can comfortably carry a 2" S&W 60-14 .357, 27 ozs. loaded, in pants or jacket pockets, with an inexpensive Uncle Mike's nylon pocket holster. The AirLite models are unshootable with Magnums, so I won't use one of those guns. I much prefer guns that are easy to shoot to those that are easy to carry.


New member
Well guys you have given me hope I will go pickup my holster today.
I do agree that comfort does depend on the pants and material it is made of, I will try diferent options and post how it works out.
for me, pocket carry is a catch 22...if the pants are loose/baggy enough, I feel the gun even more since it pulls the pnats down a bit...whereas Levis or Wranglers regular fits have more support (as they do with a holster)...but less room for the I finally gave it up and only use holsters on or on my belt...and on my ankle...and that is with a 442....a 21 ouncers would never do in my pocket or on my ankle for extended perios of time...


New member
It is working for me

I picked up holster yesterday, Put it in my fron right hip pocket of my Lee regular fit jeans and it worked fine, the only problem was that the pocket was not deep enough, It showed a tad of the grip. I will try it in dockers some day this week.
Like someone mentioned in a previous post in the thread, jeans do give more support and fit, I only hope that with the holster the revo will be snug inside the dockers so it wont pull down. In jeans 21 onz is tolerable.


New member
Pocket carry

My Taurus 85 weighs 1 pound 10 ounces (weighed on electric postal scale), loaded, in the Uncle Mikes pocket holster. I am old, fat, and ugly and have the girth that requires I wear suspenders instead of a belt. I carry the piece in my right had pocket all the time. I find that it is very comfortable. The weight is just noticable, the gun however is is VERY concealed. A light weight would be noticably better, but I find the weight comfortable enough that I do not feel the need to run out and buy a light weight.