Can you explain the purpose of side folder AK's to me?


New member
Other than the obvious, most side-folders lock and function a little more solidly than under-folders. I have both, and love them both equally.


New member

A side folder (or underfolder) in any action style stores easier in a vehicle, APC....whatever.

That's about the only advantage. Some are prone to breakage.


New member
most side-folders lock and function a little more solidly than under-folders.
Thats been my experience as well. Ill also add "a lot" to the solidly part. Most all the under folders Ive shot/handled, had wiggle to them.

The "issue" side folders, also give the proper LOP and cheek weld, and dont interfere with the controls when folded. They also open quickly, with less effort/fiddling. Once open, they shoulder and shoot like their fixed stocked counterparts. Ive always found the under folders dont shoulder as well.

Not all side folders are created equal either. The couple of aftermarket stocks I tried were lacking. Stick to the "real thing".

One advantage to the wire type side folders is, they can replace the standard stocks on some AK's, simply by removing a couple of screws.


New member
"Not all side folders are created equal either. The couple of aftermarket stocks I tried were lacking. Stick to the "real thing"."

That's why I evened it out by saying "a little more solidly". I actually waited to get a side-folder stock until I found a Polish "Beryl" version. Well worth the wait. While my Polish S/F is a little more solid, my Yugo U/F is still much cooler!


New member
No doubt the under folders look cooler. I always thought they were too, until I shot one.

Personally, Id rather have a fixed stock AK, and one with the correct LOP. The only folders that really come close, are the AK100 series.

Bart Noir

New member
What? MagPul?

Oh yeah, 'tis the season of SHOT Show revelations and new products. I'll have to go look into that one.

I have poked my head into some Soviet armored personnel carriers and fully understand the need for a folded weapon. Small spaces with small hatches do not go well with shoulder weapons even during simple non-panic situations.

In my case, I like folders so I can carry a smallish zippered case out to my car, which gives no hint to the neighbors in the other apartments that I have a gun. For the AR, I just take it apart in two pieces and put into a smallish zippered case.

Bart Noir


New member
I've owned both side folding and underfolding AK variants over the years. There is nothing advantageous to either of them. They are fun, and give you something closer to the various military versions, but that's about it. Shooting one with the stock folded is pretty much spray and pray beyond 50 yards.

I prefer the side folder myself. They are a more sturdy design. Underfolders are just plain cool looking.


New member
Im not a fan of telescopic stocks and the underfolders seem to grab at clothing when shouldered even more so in the winter with a coat on . Side folders and fixed for me when ti comes to AK's .


New member
Folders make it easier to enter/exit vehicles with, that is the purpose for them.
The best folder I have had the pleasure of shooting is this Daewoo K2/AR100.



New member
I'm not sure I'll buy the new magpul folder for my converted Saiga 5.45. Im pretty happy with the black polymer warsaw pact length standard AK stock I'm using now.
However, the new handguard will probably find a place on my rifle. The OEM Saiga forend is OK, but I've been thinking of changing it for something else that doesn't need a front handguard retainer. This new magpul is just what I was looking for. Plus, they will be bringing out metal reinforced polymer 5.45 mags.

Bart Noir

New member
Now that is a casual "operator". I mean, doing a HALO jump wearing blue jeans.

As for the magazines, I have a couple of the original AK-47 Magpul magazines, and they didn't even fit in my Arsenal AK. After some quality Dremel time (on the magazines, not the gun!) they fit. But I don't trust magazines which don't have metal in the lugs.

So I am glad to hear that Magpul is coming out with some that do have metal lugs.

Bart Noir


New member
The purpose from soviet doctrine is for transportation or airborne operations. It's is not designed to be fired folded.
They teach you to shoulder your rifle stock extended while firing, unless extenuating circumstances like being in a vehicle where shooting a folded rifle is more practical. It does fire while folded for a reason.


New member
For 98% of people with folding stocks it is all for show and convenience of storage. For people who are using their firearms for work then vehicle egress is it's purpose.