Can You Believe This?!?!


New member
Some dumbass, namely:


Has took it upon himself to post the names of every CCW permit holder in VA in the Roanoke Times.

Here's what the VCDL newsletter said about it:

He did it with the blessings of the Roanoke Times editor and others in leadership.

He claims that neighbors, employers, and carpool members might want to know if you have a permit. He said, just like the sex offenders database, the CHP database should be public.

So, now the safest, most decent citizens in the Commonwealth are to be treated like sex offenders because they exercise their right to bear arms? Friendships and jobs lost because of a personal decision to be able to protect oneself? Being treated like a criminal after jumping through all the LEGAL hoops to get a permit?

Besides being mean spirited, Mr. Trejbal has just given a huge windfall to criminals and is endangering lives! All a stalker or rapist has to do is run his intended victim against that database and he will know if she has a permit and could be armed. Without the database, the criminal would have no way of knowing if she has a permit and a concealed gun. The database erases such doubts from the
criminal's mind.

Smart move, Mr. Trejbal.

VCDL is communicating with its lawyers on this matter as I write this.

I hope they sue his ass off!!!:mad:


New member
There is certainly a case to be made for "reckless endangerment" here.

By publishing this information, both the TIMES and Trejbal have increased the risk to permit holders. Criminals can identify permit holders and target them for very violent suprise attacks to acquire a firearm. Likewise, burglary-minded criminals can target specific homes knowing that one or more guns may be present in the home for theft.

If he was the one to compare licensed permit holders to sex-offenders then there is the potential for a slander & libel lawsuit as well. There is a tremendous difference between registered sex-offenders who have been convicted of a public offense and those who are obeying the law by seeking a permit for self-protection.

Double J

New member
It's usually not nice to get your name in the paper, but I suppose there could be a 1st Amendment right there too. So quess we should think positive. Now the criminals know who NOT to pick on. Keep them wondering.


New member
Double J

I heartily disagree...

While what Christian Trejbal did may have been legal, his motives and ethics are seriously in doubt. Here are a couple of eye-opening comments from some of the "feeback" comments to this article;

While I have seen a lot of irresponsible reporting in my life this article is a leading contender for most irresponsible. I now will have to move my children and myself again TONIGHT, to protect all of use from being beaten to death or worse. I escaped an abusive relationship, and have managed to hide my children for almost two years. Now thanks to this, I have already heard from the bastard again. Thank you so much for all you are doing to protect the innocent children in my household. Perhaps you and my ex can have a drink after my funeral to celebrate your assistance in finding us.

Way to endanger the lives of people who lives at my **FORMER** address.
You see, Virginia law doesn't require (yet) that I update the address on my Concealed Permit when I move. So that address you have of me up there - incorrect.

Rather, there's someone else living there now and I wonder how they would feel to know that they've just been made an unintended target.

You, sir, disgust me.

As a former law enforcement officer, I thank you for letting all the scum I arrested now know where I live. Maybe you can give them my work schedule as well, so they can know when to rape my wife & daughters.

Unlike yourself, I have the utmost respect for anyone that wishes to carry for WHATEVER reason. While working as LE, I felt SAFER knowing I had an armed citizen nearby. Your've done MUCH more damage by the pen. You can be sure I'll be in on any class actions against you!

I'm sure the TIMES staff has Trejbal on the carpet for this and they're trying to do damage control.


New member
Reading the comments and looking at the poll I think Mr. Trejbal may soon realize what a double edge rights can be when excercised without responsibility.

Why should they have him on the carpet..they probably approved the article and had a legal review before it was published. Hopefully, the whole editorial staff including Mr. Trejbal gets called on the carpet and sent packing.


New member
I want to point out

That every time someone is issued a CCW in my Virginina county, the local county paper publishes their name. :p

So much for privacy I guess.


New member
An unethical decision by the TIMES and Trejbal at best. Legailty is irelevant in this case IMHO.

Who's interests were being served by releasing such information? Not average law-abiding citizens; thats certain IMO.

If he truely had their interest in mind he would have posted the names and addresses of those who have been found guilty of breaking the law through unlawful possession and use of firearms. Even then, maybe not such a good idea.

Sounds like he wanted to create a controversy; one way of selling more papers I suppose. :rolleyes:


New member
The local fishwrap tried that here, when we first got CCW. When all the cancelled subscriptions started adding up, they decided they would cease doing that. Cancell your subscription, and let the advertisers know that you will not be using their product/service if they continue to advertise in that newspaper. Money is all that they care about or understand. Hurt their income, and get their attention. Regards 18DAI.


New member
Good recommendation 18DAI. I heartily agree.

I tried to contact Mr. Trejbal for an article I'll be writing on this flap. As soon as I mentioned that article he suddenly needed to "check with his publisher" before continuing the call.

I suspect a lot of damage control is going on.


New member
Here in MO

Our local birdcage floor would want to publish the names However the State made that information Protected. and unlike VA or OH we will never have them published.

I agree with the previous posters in that maybe there should be a lawsuit as well as turning in your subscriptions.



My wife's and my name was published in the local paper when we got our CCP back in 2000, it was common practice then. The paper has since dropped that. Since everyone around me (including the Rotary club) knows I have a permit and carry it wasn't a big deal. For them to endanger someone by publishing the person's address it beyond irresponsible. Hopefully those folks have been calling the paper's editor, and maybe hire an attorney to file a class action lawsuit.


New member
The more I think about this the more angry I become; and it doesnt even have a direct effect on me. :mad: Mr. CHRISTIAN J TREJBAL is very fortunate that I'm not malicious; because with his personal info. I could cause him quite a bit of inconvenience to say the least.

18DAI: Very good idea. Perhaps if this issue recieves enough condemnation and attention, it will give others, who would consider doing such, pause to think before they act.

Bill: Good on you! I highly encourage any with ties to the field of "journalism" to speak out; while we still have that luxury.


New member
They took the database down.
Notice the backpedaling going on in that statement.
he Roanoke Times Removes Database of Handgun Permit Holders

March 12, 2007 — The Roanoke Times has decided to remove the online database of registered concealed handgun permit holders from its website.

The newspaper is requesting the Virginia State Police, which provided the information, verify the data.

“When we posted the information, we had every reason to believe that the data the State Police had supplied would comply with the statutes. But people have notified us that the list includes names that should not have been released,” said Debbie Meade, president and publisher of The Roanoke Times. “Out of a sense of caution and concern for the public we have decided to take the database off of our website.”

The database was posted on on Sunday as part of a New River Valley editorial page column about open records. This column, as well as others that will be published this week, is part of a special focus on Sunshine Week, a national initiative to raise awareness about open government and freedom of information.


New member
I'm glad to see his home address being published. With a little effort, one could publish directions to his home, pictures included, for everyone to see.


New member
Might as well weigh in on this.

This was information that was already available. According to his article, at least, anybody could get it. The problem I see here is that a single citizen was able to request the names of every permit holder in the entire state, and obtain it with relative ease...not that he went and published it afterwards.

Yeah, that makes him a gigantic douchebag. But the underlying issue is much more disconcerting to me.


Cut out the whining. Somebody in his area step up to the plate and take the lowlife to the woodshed, Southern Style!