Can TFL Members Help as Firearms Trainers, or ...?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Many TFL members are certified firearms trainers. Is there any direct way we can help in our war against terrorism? Many of us are older than the age bracket normally targeted for service, but is there any other way we can help besides giving blood and money?

Thanks. Regards from AZ


New member
Teach a friend to shoot.;)

A couple weeks ago, the most satisfying feeling I had was when I helped one of my shootin buddies figure out that he was a left-eye dominant right-hand shooter. Armed with that bit of information, he went immediately from his years of embarassing inaccuracy to hitting a 150yd target at the 1" 'x', a feat he wouldn't of dreamed of only one night before.

Now, my wife wants in to the game (since 9-11). I'm speed-reading my copy of "How To Shoot", by Larry Koller, so I can hand it to her this afternoon and tell her to read it before we go shooting.

So grab you a couple of fence-sitters and hand them a gun - sometime, you might be glad to have them fighting by your side.


New member
You mean prod the NRA to send an open letter to the federal government that we stand ready to train any citizen who wishes to carry a pistol aboard an aircraft in order to combat terrorism? Already sent that letter to Old Virginny!

I do not expect a response. Duck season is around the corner.
I own a company that specializes in judgmental shooting training for law enforcement and security professionals. I called the FAA a couple of weeks ago to (1) volunteer as a Sky Marshal (I used to carry on aircraft all the time when I was an Army Criminal Investigator) and (2) offer training to the new Sky Marshals they are hiring. I was referred to the FAA website regarding sky marshal hires, and rather snippily informed that they had all the training personnel they would need. Somehow I doubt that, as I'll bet bunches of their cadre are flying around the country right now carrying guns.