Can someone enlighten me as to the use of an AR-15 pistol?


New member
It strikes me that by building an AR-15 as a pistol, all you really get is an underpowered AR with no buttstock, and a "pistol" that you can't conceal or take anywhere.

Are these things just an example of "it's possible, so I did it"?


New member
I would never buy one.. but I'm glad our market for firearms includes guns that we don't need instead of lacking guns we need.
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New member
Great Point by Dan

.... quote
I would never buy one.. but I'm glad our market for firearms includes guns that we don't need instead of lacking guns we need.Unquote


New member
It falls into the "why not" category of guns,,,

And like the folk have already said,,,
Be glad we don't have "you only need" restrictive laws.

Remember the 10 round magazine limit?,,,
It solved no known problems,,,
Just created them.

I do chuckle at the AR-15 pistols,,,
I'm reminded of that paraphrase of an old saying,,,
"What's the best gun to bring to a pistol fight?,,, A good rifle!" ;)

Was it Lucas McCain who said that?



New member
by itself its not too desirable, but with governmental paperwork, you can convert a 7 inch barrelled ar-15 pistol, put a stock on the buffer tube, and a fore grip on the hand guard, or even better a quad rail hand guard with a fore grip, and you have a pretty sweet/mean SBR

something like this


ADB, They are fun guns or range guns. I have tried to give this type of firearm a purpose but have failed multiple times. As you mentioned they don't have rifle power or ease of using accurately. They are to big to hide and to small (and requiring a license to install a stock) to shoulder. For me they have no niche except as a fun gun.

I owned the Type 97 professional ordinance carbon 15 and a Kel-Tec PLR-16. I sold both shortly after coming back to my senses after having impulse bought both.


New member
Get a long buffer tube, and shoot it like a rifle. I've shot both 9mm and .223 versions, and with a dot sight on top, they're pretty fun. I've seen pics of people holding them out at arms' length, and that seems really silly.

"it's so you can buy a new buffer tube and put a buttstock on it"

Do that only if you like a striped wardrobe. ;)


New member
As long as its fun to shoot it -- its the only purpose it needs ...

If you're asking if its practical no ...not in my opinion / so I haven't bought one ....but I might someday, just for the heck of it.


New member
ADB said:
It strikes me that by building an AR-15 as a pistol, all you really get is an underpowered AR with no buttstock, and a "pistol" that you can't conceal or take anywhere.

Are these things just an example of "it's possible, so I did it"?

There are lots of states where SBR's aren't an option.

If you want a Short Barreled PDW, then the AR pistol is it. It's a pistol, so you can carry it in a bag in your car without breaking the law on your current Concealed Weapons License. It packs a lot more punch than a handgun round. Even in the Short Barrel form, you get some 2200-2400 fps out of the muzzle, and it will allow expansion of Nosler Partition and Barnes TSX bullets out to around 100 yards.

There is an article in SWAT magazine November 2009 that shows a 7.5" AR punching through a class III vest at 50 yards. (Granted, that was with a buttstock, but the ballistics would be identical.)

It's loud, it's obnoxious, and it's a lot of fun to shoot!!



New member
Hello jaughtman,,,

Yep, it's very well documented that the producers used 45-70 cartridges to make the rig look more impressive on camera.


New member
I have a ar 15 pistol, bought it cause I could. At first I tried to shoot it as a pistol and its a bit heavy for that. So I mounted a green laser on front and shoot from the hip. Fast target aquistion and accurate for as far as you can see the laser, the green you can see easier than the red. Unless its a close combat situation, like clearing a house room to room or from a car (which I am sure I will never do, unless the zombies attack) I agree it has no use. Except its a fire breathing dragon in low light, and it always draws a crowd at the range. It may have little practical use but I dont see many for sale, we must be keeping them.


New member
I can only imagine how loud it is without hearing protection, as a 14.5" puts off a good concussion even with muffs. It must be like setting off a flashbang every time you pull the trigger.