can someone clarify some smallbore silhouette rules for me


New member
I've read that there are two classes:

Hunting rifles, and almost any rifle.

The hunting rifles describes pretty much a stock hunting rifle (with a sporter contour barrel) with a trigger of at least 2 pounds and weighing under 8 and a half pounds I think.

Another description I've read said triggers cannot be altered. Which rules do you go by?

Can barrels be altered? If I have a 20 inch sporter contour barrel and I want to shorten it to 16.5 does that matter?

What about my T-bolt? It has a "varmint" barrel, but is it not considered a hunting rifle because of the barrel contour?


New member
For Silhouette class:
Rifle weight has to be no more than 10 lbs 2 oz, barrel may not be longer than 30".

For hunting rifle class:
Rifle weight may not exceed 8 lbs 8 oz, trigger pull 2 lbs or more, standard hunting contour barrels only (no bull or varmint contours).

Your T-Bolt is an acceptable rifle (must be a repeater capable of chambering a round from a magazine).

Find a club that organizes smallbore silhouette shoots and talk to the shoot coordinator. They can fill you in on the details and classes. I think you will find that for beginners and club shoots, people will be very forgiving and not make a big deal about equipment. That changes as things get more serious.

Here are the rules:

Other info: