can school district ban firearms on their property?


Member In Memoriam
Noticed that several schools in our area have aigns saying:

NO firearms, knives, or other weapons permitted anytime on thisproperty or in this building"

Curious about this as CO law specifically allows for same if you hold a vaild CCW.

Anyone got the skinny on this?


New member
Hey Folks...
I do believe this is a FEDERAL law, gun and drug free school zones. Folks don't strictly enforce it but...if some crack schmuck gets caught for jaywalking or something inside the zone and he's carrying his dope dealers special; Bang!, Federal jail time. So be careful. Besides; in this day and age I don't like the thought of guns and teenagers in large groups. Schools don't teach responsibility anymore. Recipe for disaster.:(

Scott Conklin

New member
The "No Knives" thing is what amazes me. Am I the only one who remembers every goofball walking around with a big Buck knife in a belt case? We had penknives and butterfly knives and just about everything else with a blade. Nobody cared...and nobody ever got cut in the entire time I was in public school.

:rolleyes: :barf:


New member
The federal law mandating gun free schools does not apply if the state specifically says otherwise. Colorado law (as mentioned by labgrade) specifically states that with a CCW carry is legal in public schools.

Somebody (maybe it was labgrade) stated that if the current Colorado CCW law was changed to be "shall issue" instead of "may issue" it would be the best CCW law in the nation, short of Vermont, of course. I have to agree with him. We can carry almost anywhere except Post Offices and some government buildings.


New member
I've always wondered about those signs too. We have a yearly training seminar for the firehalls in the area at the local high school, and I never think to leave my knife home that day. Though I do leave the firearm in the truck.



New member
I believe that if it is their property then they can decide if you can carry or not. I'm not too sure about that, though.

Not being within the "commerce clause" of the Constitution, the Federal law proscribing firearms even near schools was struck down by the Supremes (go Rehnquist!). As to public schools, check your state laws. School Districts should not supercede your state legislature's authority.


New member
I believe that if it is their property then they can decide if you can carry or not. I'm not too sure about that, though.

If public school them public property.
When I got my CHL it came inthe mail with a "Locations Where Firearms Are Prohibited" card:
1. Any Federal Facility.
2. All desiginated wilderness areas within National Forests
3. Indian Reservation/Property
4. Courthouses
5. Any privte business or private facility where a condition of being on the premises or in facility is that you not possess a firearm.


New member
In Alabama there is no state "gun free school zone law". However, state law does permit individual school districts to implement their own. Very few have though, mostly in the larger cities.

Scott A. Vaughn


New member
I went to and looked at my state's (Alaska) areas where you cannot carry concealed.

It states: "A public or private school for grades K-12, including the school grounds, parking lot or on a bus while used for a school sponsored activities, unless the person carrying the firearm has the permission of the chief administrative officer of the school or the school district."

While on field trips, us teachers do carry a shotgun for bear protection, but I'm positive that I would be fired on the spot if I was found to be carrying concealed in my classroom on a daily basis.

Don't ask my why


Member In Memoriam
I disremember, but think its USC 18, title 44 (930?) & down the list quite a ways, that states (obviously paraphased poorly) if your state has provisions for licensing, it's not a bad thing to have possession in school zones ... a quick search engine for the ref'd USC & a "find on this page" will get you there.

Seeker, that's too strange that there's a provision that says no firearms in wilderness areas. I'm not aware of any fed statute that says anything along those lines & especially in CO, the wilderness areas are some of the prime hunting areas for big game.

CO's law - CRS 18-12-105.5 - says it's a felony to carry in schools except (specifically excluded) if you've a CCW. Public schools are not private property & they've no business or legal standing to prohibit.

Still waiting for some "other info" to come in, but when it does, I'll push for these signs to come down - cheap entertainment if nothing else.

Sick of self-appointed yahoos trying to push their agenda on the rest of us & more sick of the sheep buying it.


New member
Can someone point me to the law regarding the "gun-free school zone" stuff? A new subdivisionb was recently built, and some of the houses border on "skool propity". I was wondering if the no guns within 1,000 ft apply to buildings, or the "grounds". Would make an interesting test case...........


Member In Memoriam

Take a look here fer starters & do the EDIT/FIND ON THIS PAGE & search "schools." It'll take you to the sections I mentioned in my last post. (BTW, I got the #s wrong - they are = TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 44 > Sec. 922. ... so much for memory)

Then, try & check out you pertinent state sections & see what conflict/s, if any.

Far as I can see from the USC, if the state issues a license (& it doesn't even say CCW - any license), you're good to go in a school zone. 'Course, not a lawyer, yada .... worth knowing the stuff however.