Can rain in .22 barrel cause a kaboom?


New member
i have a .22 rifle. if a drop or two of rain falls in the barrel and i then shoot the rifle.....can it cause a kaboom??

or is this an urban myth? thanks......................Bill


New member
A drop or two in the barrel? Not likely. A whole bunch of water in the barrel? Yes, but not likely, although it will probably bulge the barrel. Mud or snow or rust in the barrel? Yes, likely will, although it might just bulge the barrel.

Smokey Joe

New member
I can't see...

wanting to field-test the question, Omnibus 1967.

In rainy weather, a length of cellophane tape or electrician's black tape over the end of the bbl will keep "a drop or 2" OUT of the bbl. You can shoot right through the tape with no ballistic effect at all--this has been field-tested many times.


New member
Also depends on your definition of kaboom. .22's are no joke, but it's more likely the internals will get messed up or the casing ruptures and gas goes out the back than metal bursting or bulging, at least with a semi-auto.


New member
Most likely the rush of air ahead of the bullet will blow everything out. I don't think there'd be a problem. It -does- affect accuracy....


New member
Something we shouldnt loose sight of:

Rain effects shooters much more then it effects the rifle.

I've drug M16s throught rice paddies, bringing them out of the water and shooting without mishap. (of course I had other things to worry about).

I've shot high power for over 30 years. They dont call rifle matches for rain. Never seen a mishap. I've seen scores go to ****, but it wasnt the gun or ammo.

I guess rain could always be used as a alibi for your shooting though.


New member
Most .22s are so over built you could stick the barrel in a creek for a foot,fire it off and not have a problem. And dont ask how I found out.


New member
You can shoot right through the tape with no ballistic effect at all--this has been field-tested many times.


Don't let the ones who think a super high polished target crown are the key to accuracy read that.:p:D


New member
wet barrel

i was 15, in a jon boat, with too many leaks to count, crossing an oxbow where the san antonio river runs into the guadalupe river. a mottled duck was swiming past a cypress tree a little ways off. a bet was made as to whither that duck could be killed. my buddy took the bet, and when he went to get his rifle a nylon 66, it could not be found. as he looked over into the water i saw it in the bottom of the boat. he picked up the rifle, drained it a few seconds, and hit the duck in the head at a distance of at least 75 yards. i never could get him to admit he was not really aiming at the head.