Can I Upgrade to Tactical?


New member
Is is possible to upgrade a normal HK USP .45 to be a "TACTICAL" ? ? ?

To put more details on what I mean..

Can I put a treaded barrel and attach Meprolight "USP TACTICAL" sights to it?
I ask because I'm not sure if the sights and barrel are fitted on differently on both models.


New member
I know the sight dove tail is cut the same. I'll bet the barrel will fit as well. Then there is the adjustable trigger.



Tactical is a birthright, much like "knight."

That's like taking a butcher's knife and upgrading it to the Excalibur model long sword.


Yes, you can change out the sights on your gun and install a different barrel. It will cost you about $150 or so for sights, and another $150-$200 for a threaded barrel for your gun. The sights should probably be installed by a smith, but the barrel may end up being a drop-in piece.


New member
Barrel: $200 +
Match trigger kit: $100 + install labor
Sights: ~$100 + install labor

So if you want to do this, you will be sinking $400+ into this pistol. Another person posed this question the other day, and we figured he would be better off selling his USP and getting a USP Tactical.

All the parts will fit though, if you go the original route, but I just thought you might want to look at the alternative.



New member
Well even buying a Tactical, you'd still be spending $100 on the sights because stock the gun doesn't even come with 3-dot sights. I'm still saving for sights myself.