Can I safely load six rounds into an Uberti 45LC/45ACP convertible SAA clone?


New member
Does the Uberti SAA clone have a transfer bar safety? I know that they
did not before, but do they now have a safety since they were acquired
by Beretta? If so, how can I tell if a used Uberti does or does not have
a transfer bar safety.

And how easy is it to make sure that the empty chamber lines up below the
hammer? That is how easy is it to screw up and have an empty chamber but
mistakenly line up a full chamber under the hammer?

The one I'm considering is the following:

Uberti 45LC/45ACP convertible SAA clone




New member
I have a recent production Uberti convertible by Cimarron. Five rounds and hammer resting on an empty chamber.


To end up with the hammer on an empty chamber, load one cartridge, then skip a chamber, then load 4 more cartridges. You will end up with the hammer on an empty chamber if you do that.


As the others have said, if it was made by Uberti and marketed by anybody but Beretta, it is a traditional action that must be carried with the hammer down on an empty chamber. The easiest way to tell at a glance is that the traditional action will have the firing pin in the hammer. The transfer bar action requires a floating firing pin in the frame. Load one chamber, skip one, load four then draw the hammer back to full cock and lower it down on the empty chamber. ALWAYS bring the hammer to full cock before lowering it, never lower it from the half cock position. That's how the cylinder gets ringed.