Can I check myself out ?


New member
As we all know common sense says to err on the side of caution . The feds seem to want to err on the side of storming the wrong house and shooting the wrong guy . So with this in mind I have a simple question . Can I get a report on myself BEFORE I try to buy another weapon (It's been a while) so if there is a problem I can correct it before it looks like I tried to break the law ? I honestly know there is nothing in my record that will be a problem . I look at it like checking my credit report every so often just to be sure that no mistakes have been made so I can nip them in the bud . Does it cost for a dealer to do this ? Has anybody done this on this board ? Thanks in advance .


New member
IMHO I am not sure if it is possible to do it yourself. I used to do it by asking some of my friends on the police force to check the record (was great to be a member of the local Lions Club before I moved).

You may want to check with a lawyer that is involved in criminal law, they may have the connections to check it out.


New member
JFucile's got it. You need to do it through a friend of a friend, and even what is available to the general police force isn't exactly what you're after.

You need fed connections to get the real skinny. You know that "permanent record" your vice principal always threatened you with? Feds got it. Seriously.

Oh, and about correcting it? Don't bother trying. That only begets a note on there that you tried to correct it.

Close your eyes and jump.


New member
Perhaps I was unclear . I was referring to the check that is done when you go to purchase a weapon . I forget the letters but I see them referred to often . MICS or some such . If any dealer could call to check before a purchase then perhaps they could just call to find out . Like I said , I know there are no felonies (or misdemeanors for that fact) on my record . I just don't want to get a "visit" over a computer glitch .


Moderator Emeritus

...a gun store technically can't do a check unless you're buying a weapon, at least not in this state.

Oddly enough, however, a pawnshop can. (Thanks to new-ish legislation which allows them to do pawn checks before a gun is pawned to make sure the prosepective customer could actuelly pick his property back up)

It'll still cost, of course; anywhere from $5 on up, varying from state to state.


New member
TAMARA: Thank you . I will look into it . It's surely worth a fiver or so to keep an eye on something as important as that . Considering that a check of the Big 3 Credit Companies costs about $25 . Thanks again .
Then again, you can go to the local police station and ask if you've got any warrants. They can run you then and there and if you brought ID, you can probably be cited out.


New member
Then again, you can go to the local police station and ask if you've got any warrants. They can run you then and there and if you brought ID, you can probably be cited out.

That is what I'd advise. Several local sheriff's departments around here have Warrant Information Lines that you can call. You just call them up, give them your name and social security number, and then they'll tell you if any warrants are out for you.


New member
Course, you realize if you go to the Sheriff to get checked out and they get a hit, you might not get to go home right away :D

After you made bail, they would probably search your house and take all your guns.

Then they would probably file some trumped up charge to put you back in the slammer.

In the mean time you mom, would be a nervous reck and someone would find out about your run in with the law and post your business all over the internet without finding out exactly what happened first, ruining your reputation.

The media would get ahold of the news article in the paper and brand you a terrorist, flashing your picture across millions of Tv screens nationwide.

The neighbors would start telling stories of how they thought you were always "different" and start making up lies to glorify themselves for a possible full page article in the enquirer.

Sara Brady would add another statistic to her collection.

Your kids would be strip searched daily at school, until the school board found a way to have them expelled.

And your coworkers will start telling everyone about there close brush with death from a gun crazed maniac who used to work in the office....

Come to think of it, I would forget about the check and take my chances the next time I purchased a gun.
