Can I bring something for show and tell, too?


New member
I see quite a few people sharing photos of their guns and I was wondering if I could post a bad photo of my S&Ws?

Top row from left to right are an 8 & 3/8" M27-2, a 5" nickeled M27-2, a 3.5" pre-27, a 5" Victory Model in .38 Special, a 2.5" nickeled M19-3, and an M39-2.

Second row includes an M58 with a bobbed hammer, a 4" pre-M20, a 6" M17-3, a 4" M18-4, and a 2" M10-5.

Bottom row features a 6.5" M29-2, an 8 & 3/8" M29-2, a 4" M24-3 (my only post-1981 gun), a 3.5" M27-2, a nickeled 4" M15-3, a nickeled M13-2, and an M40 (old one with grip safety).

Not pictured is the 5" M10 on loan to my mother. It has been living in her nightstand drawer since it was purchased new in 1976 and she has already used it once to chase a prowler from her home.

Maybe next year I post a photo of my Colts.


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New member
That is a super nice collection!Congrats.BTW,your handle is my all time favorite(after mine of course).:)


New member
Very nice. I've always liked pictures like that, though it will be sometime before I can take a similar pic.


New member
Agree, nice group!
When my Springfield comes back from Robar, I'm gonna do a new group photo of my modest clan, now that I have a nice new and improved digital, I'm snapping away like crazy!


New member
Hail, Smith Brother...

Perhaps your user name should be "Saxon Gentleman"?

Very nice collection sir. You have engendered a certain level of lust and covetessness in my heart.


Hmm, pictures like that make me want to stick with my "one handgun a year" plan, as opposed to my "don't buy anymore for two years" plan.

Saxon Pig, the auto sort of ruined the symmetry, but it really wasn't a "bad photo" at all. I liked it! It also proved that you are not a "Colt for pistols; Smith for revolvers" kind of guy. Maybe you should have had the auto down front holding the football, hahaha...
Saxon Pig - you're a Norman Dog for making me green with envy. :D That's one fine collection you have there and thanks for sharing that "bad" picture.


New member
Here's something a bit off the beaten path, nice and flat for carry. :)

Reform .25ACP


New member

If you ever feel the need to part with any of these call me first! That must be one of the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen. I really like the look of wood grips on blue guns, I'm glad you haven't been bitten by the Goodyear bug like so many others. Actually, looking at that picture, with maybe a few specific model changes, that pretty much sums up my future aspirations.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Super nice, Sax - - -

What you got against autopistols?

Nicest group of non-Colt revolvers I've seen in a long time!
