Can anyone vouch for the validity of this article?


New member

Besides being poorly written, is there any substance to this article?
I’ve seen it pop up and has been quoted several times today... all from this source.

Here is the opening paragraph:

On Wednesday, an en banc panel of the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled that the second amendment right to keep and bear arms does not citizens include the right to carry a firearm, either openly or concealed, in public .

44 AMP

Also reported today on MSN /Microsoft news.

Apparently the majority of the 9th Circuit ruled that there is no right to carry outside the home.

This one will be heading for the High Court, for sure.

Question is, when it gets there, will they hear it, and rule, or do something else?


New member
It's the Ninth Circuit, what can you expect? There's a reason their decisions are overturned so often. By prohibiting BOTH open and concealed carry, they have effectively ruled that the Second Amendment is only in effect inside your own home.

To quote Clarence Thomas "I find it extremely improbable that the Framers understood the Second Amendment to protect little more than carrying a gun from the bedroom to the kitchen."