Can anyone Questions an LE's


New member
Can any one questions an LE's if seen under the influence of liqour if notice carrying CCW or sporting his service gun?

Who dare to question them?

By statistics, how many have check them already under such circumstances?

In Manila, I saw some cops eating in restaurant having 1 bottle of beer after their lunch or dinner. Perhaps not only in Philippines but also in USA, there is no such thing as big difference to Cop's traits as they have similar tranings pattern in academies. I doubt if someone will dare to question them.

I ask these because of some topics that when carrying a gun, it is purely prohibited to drink wine. How true and big is the percentage, it seems a cover up to reality.



Staff Emeritus
Every department that I know of has a rule forbidding the consumption of alcohol by a Peace Officer while in uniform. All of them also forbid a Peace Officer to consume alocohol off-duty while carrying.

Most of them would rather that their officer not drink at all. The first department that I worked for fired several officers while I was employed for carrying their badge while consuming alcohol. The Sheriff also required any public drinking of alcohol be done at least two counties from ours.

If their insurance carrier finds out that an officer(s) have been drinking on duty, that is grounds for the carrier to drop the policy on the department, and does not allow the department to fight the loss of insurance.


[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited March 21, 2000).]

Jeff White

New member
My small department has a zero tolerance to alcohol policy while on duty. We cannot even eat dinner in a resturant where alcohol is served, even if we don't consume.

While there is no formal policy ike Lawdog mentioned, most officers here will not drink where we work. It's just not good policy.

Same here No alcohol 4 hours before duty, no alcohol in your system while on duty. No drinking of alcohol on duty.
No drinkning in public establishment within 30 miles of the City.

I know in several Euopean Countries a beer with diner is allowed even for LEO's but not here in the States, and I like it that way.


New member
What a very polite manner I was given an answer about the issue, from respected LE's.

I just wish that majority of the departments will do such responsible management to their subordinates, for if this is a uniformed policy to all LE's and being followed, it will also lessen abuses of people from authority as experienced by many, and the populace will reciprocate of having high regard to our peace officers.

Thanks again for your straight forward answers.
Different country, different laws.

In the Philippines, it may be acceptable and legal for a police officer/constable to have a brewski during the meal break. You'd certainly don't expect the French not to have their wine at lunch or some German cops to quaff their bier.

Personally, I don't approve of drinking on duty. I'm certain almost all departments have some General Order or rule which proscribes imbibing while on duty.


New member
4V50 Gary: To my mind you have hit the very much legal way in dealing the above subject.

It is true, that what may be legal in some countries is illegal in other countries, moral to some and immoral to the other.

Also, It is hard to distiguish the technicality of someone to be under the influenced of liqour, mild drink, or drunk person. To one officer, 1 bottle of beer might have a bad effect on him while on duty but to a second officer even 5 bottles would be like a half bottle effect to him or has no impact to his brain cells at all to change his sanity. But again, to go deeper on the technicality of how much really someone have taken to be considered that he is under the influence of liqour is something hard to fathomed up.

Another thing, for my personal opinion, it is very ackward to see a cop in uniform/on duty that he is drinking from a bottle of beer or having a glass of bubbled beer inside an eatery. But as you said, different countries has different laws. I said ackward because I consider the cops as an exemplary to the young and his job as an armed peace officer is very delicate or sensitive if it comes to public reactions.

I can say that during our martial law years, in the rural areas, you can see constables that inside eatery it will be look like as beer houses and non will dare to question them. There are still some occassions where things like this are happening.

My observation is, it takes a hard time to a responsible officer in charge to get hold of this kind of elements for there is negative repercussion from the doer.
