Can anyone get a FFL?


New member
This may be a stupid question or the wrong section to ask it, but can anyone obtain a Federal Firearms License? It seems like a great way to order guns without going through all the red tape.


Yes, but...

  1. There's a fee. You'll have to order a lot of guns each year to make up the cost of the license.
  2. You're not getting out of any red tape, the BATF will come talk to you on occasion to make sure you've been keeping good records on the guns you buy.
  3. The BATF doesn't like small volume FFL holders and they'll do their best to see that you give yours up. See #2.


New member
What do you mean you'll have to order a lot of guns to make up the cost of the license?
How much does the license usually cost and what requirments..etc.


New member
besides your fed FFL you will need to conform to state laws licences insurance and all that. Your state or local government might require you to have an actual store front. get set up to collect sales tax oh there is more but I can't think of it right off.


New member
I'd recommend checking around with your local gun clubs/shooting ranges, some of them might have an ffl. One I belong to charges ~$75 a year which lets you use their ranges, etc at a decent discount plus free FFL for members.


I believe it costs $200 to apply and another $90 to renew every three years.

So I'll back off on "a lot of guns". What I was trying to say is that you'll have to order enough guns that your FFL fee is paid for by the dealer discounts.


New member
Root, yes I have had guns ordered/transfered by my local indoor range before, but there's a lot of paper work and fees.,etc. I think it will still be easier that way than trying to apply for FFL though. Thanks for info.


New member
haha, I had the opposite experience. I went to my range and said "i want to use the free ffl" they handed me the license and pointed at the fax machine, said "go ahead"

of course, when the gun came I still had to fill out the background check, but no different than buying a gun at the local shop.


New member
Well I really don't order that many guns anyway so it's not a huge deal. It would be nice though to order a gun and have it shipped directly to your home if you had a FFL.


New member
Yes, anyone without a criminal background is eligible to have a FFL, though the license holder will have to conform to state, and local law. Which in some state for example Massachusetts means the FFL holder must have a store front separate from a residential building (no operating out of ones home), must have a state business license, filing as a business for tax purposes, and collecting sales tax etc. Pain in the ass to have an FFL in this state. C&R licenses are not regulated under state statures.


New member
BATF stopped issuing "kitchen table" licenses years back. One of their requirements today is that you have a business location separate from your place of residence.


New member
My FFL dealer works out of his house, and he had no trouble getting his license. He has a buisness (Mark's Cop Shop) but it is strictly an internet buisness that he operates from home. He has no form of a 'storefront.'


New member
One of their requirements today is that you have a business location separate from your place of residence

Thats not exactly correct. There is no storefront requirement under federal law (state or local law may vary, however). You can have an FFL at your home, but the business cannot be in violation of local zoning regulations. Having an FFL necessarily means you are doing business at that location, so if the zoning regulations prohibit such a home based business you'll either have to get a variance or you're out of luck.

Also, don't forget you cannot get an FFL just to enhance your personal collection. If you don't show activity on your books (other than transfers to yourself) BATFE can rescind the license.


New member
Don't you also have to have published, set hours of operation, not just whenever you are home? And anytime during those hours the BATF can come in an verify your inventory and books? I don't think a FFL gets you out of any red tape.


New member
If you guys are after dealer discounts, you can usually get those with a C&R FFL. $30 every three years, and you can buy most milsurp guns with it as well. I have saved many many times the liscense fee from Midway in the first year alone.